Chapter 25: Admitted To The Hospital

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As I sit in the car I look out the window Shota focuses on the road. Because of my situation, Nezu has given Shota some time off from work to take care of me. We haven't told the students or my family yet but I know that once they find out they'll be upset about it. I would rather they not know about my illness but if I die they'll be finding out from Shota and I don't want them to blame him. The car pulls up to the hospital and Shota looks at me. "Shota promise me that you'll come visit me." I say calmly. "I promise that I'm going to visit you every day and bring some soup that helps boost your immune system." Shota says calmly. I smile and he gets out of the car. Since I am being admitted to the hospital we had my parents take them for the week. Shota knows that I have been getting weaker each day and he knows that if my condition worsens I'll die. We get out of the car and he holds my bag. We walk into the hospital and Shota speaks with a nurse. I notice a little girl with cancer and I already want to run away. I look at my husband and he knows that I'm nervous. We get shown to a room and Shota holds my hand. We make it to the room and the nurse looks at me. "This will be your room and I'll go get Dr. Ayakashi." The blonde nurse says calmly. Shota kisses my forehead and I close my eyes. "It's going to be okay, I'll be here for you." Shota says calmly. I hug him and he sits on the bed with me in his lap. Dr. Ayakashi walks in and I look at my husband. "I'm Dr. Akito Ayakashi and you must be the new patient." She says calmly. I nod my head and she looks at me. She takes my blood for testing and I sigh. Shota holds my hand and he knows that I'm not very fond of getting needles. "It's okay, I'll bring you your favorite meal next time I come to the hospital." Shota says calmly. I blush and he pets my head. I relax and the doctor finishes taking my blood. She wraps up my arms and Shota sits me in a chair while he makes the bed more comfortable.

He packed a lot of bed cushions, pillows, and blankets and I know that he works hard to provide for me. He walks over to me and I look at my husband. He carefully picks me up and sets me on the bed. I hold his hand and he sighs. The doctor leave and Shota sits with me on the bed. I hug him and he just holds me close. I relax and he strokes my hair. "Shota, I don't want to die." I say quietly. "I'll get Recovery Girl to help make a cure because if anyone can get it right it's her." Shota says calmly. I look out of the window and he know that I am not happy with having a terminal illness. He looks at me and I hold his hand. He looks into my eyes and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and rest up know that I don't have a whole lot of energy to spare.

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