Chapter 6: High Risk Of Losing Her Cool

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As I sit in the commentator booth with Aizawa & Hizashi the Stadium fills up and I sigh. "Erza are you sure you're alright with doing this?" Hizashi says with concern. "I'm fine." I say in an annoyed voice. "You don't seem fine." Hizashi says seriously. "You know what fuck it I'm out I'll be out patrolling around." I say angrily. I walk out and suddenly I see my father. "Erza?" Dad says with shock. "I'm not in a good mood right now so step aside so I can go catch some air." I say with hostility. He sighs and steps to the side. "Just remember your breathing technique." Dad says quietly. I walk past him and today my emotions are at a high risk of exploding out of me. I make it to the girls' bathroom and I tie my hair back before splashing water on my face. I work on controlling my breathing and I let my body temperature drop to 30 degrees. Ever since I was abducted it's been hard trying to control my emotions and I know that the League of Villains wants something from me. I walk out and I see Aizawa. "Mic is stalling the opening but tell me what is going on?" Aizawa says sternly. I sigh as I feel my anger make my body temperature rise and he looks at me with concern. "Fine, I'm having a hard time controlling my emotions ever since I got back from being abducted by the League of Villains." "Every time I just think back and my anger just rises dangerously to the point of exploding." I say quietly. "You're safe they can't get to you and I won't let them because we'll be prepared for their next attack." Aizawa says calmly. "That's the thing they'll always attack when we least expect it and they are only laying low because they are recruiting other villains to take over the system." I say quietly. He nods his head and sighs. "Here are the house keys just go home and try to clear your mind I'll tell Nezu that you left because you weren't feeling to well." Aizawa says calmly. "I'll be fine and and I'm not missing our students' first sports festival." I say sternly. "Fine, you can stay." Aizawa says quietly. We walk back to the commentator booth and Hizashi notices us.

He starts the announcements and I sit down. They start with an obstacle course and I cross my arms. Aizawa looks at me and I calm my nerves. Midoriya comes in 1st place and more students come. I smile at Shoto comes in second place and I wish he could have fun. Whenever Dad is around Shoto locks himself in his room, Natsuo stays on his college campus, and I just stay home to keep a distance which leaves Fuyumi, who tries to get along with our father but he just ignores her and it makes me upset. They move onto the cavalry battle and I watch it. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and pull it out and see Natsuo messaging me.

9:30 AM

"Hey, Erza I'm coming by your house later on."

"Okay, but bring me some wine and pizza because I'm moody."

He reads it and leaves it at that. I put my phone away and Aizawa looks at me. A few of our students pass the cavalry battle and Present Mic Announces that we take a lunch break. I get up and Aizawa sigh. "Let's get some food before we have to come back here." I say quietly. They walk with me and we look around at the food vendors. I get a salad with spicy chicken and Aizawa looks at me. "Is that all you're getting?" Aizawa says seriously. "Well, I do have to keep track of my figure after all I am a hero plus it'll go straight to my hips and slow me down." I say bluntly. "With all the exercising you do at the Hero gym there is no way you will gain weight also its okay to eat other things instead of salad." Aizawa says calmly. "My brother is coming by with wine & pizza later on so this is all that I'll have." I say calmly. He nods his head and I pay for my salad. We sit down at a table and I eat my salad. Aizawa yawns and I feel a tap. I turn to the side and once a little girl. "Hi, miss Ignite." The little girl says excitedly. "Hi, also I'm only Lady Ignite when I'm doing hero work call me Erza and why is your name." I say softly. "Sophie." She says happily. "That's a wonderful nap so why did you come over to me?" I say calmly.

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