Chapter 5: A Fully Awaken Fox Spirit

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As I lay on the ground I wake up and see Aizawa standing by me. I smell the scent of cinnamon rolls and get up. He looks at me and I realize that the scent is coming from Aizawa. "Erza, what is going on?" Aizawa says with confusion. "Never knew you smelt like cinnamon rolls." I say teasingly. His eyes widen and I giggle as I get a reaction out of him. "I can't help how I smell like sweets." Aizawa grumbles out in embarrassment. I look out of one of the hallway windows and Aizawa sighs. "Come on I'll drive you home." Aizawa says seriously. I nod my head and we leave the school. I follow him and he notices that I seem quiet. We make it to his car and I look at Aizawa. We get into his car and he drives me to my apartment. I look out the window and Aizawa sighs. The car pulls up outside of my apartment and Aizawa looks at me. "Call me if you feel like there is danger around." Aizawa says seriously. "Just stay here until I message you that my apartment is safe and if it isn't then I'll message you but if you don't receive a message in 20 seconds then you know to come check if everything is alright." I say calmly. He nods his head and I get out of his car. I make my way to my apartment and when I get there I notice that the door has been broken off of its hinges. I send a message to Aizawa and he tells me that he will be up at my apartment. I walk through my apartment and everything has been torn apart. I check each room and then notice a note on my bed. I pick up the note and look over it. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn my head to see Aizawa. "Seems they left before I could get home." I say quietly. He nods his head and knows that it isn't safe for me to be here. He pulls out my duffel bags & suitcases and I pack up all my clothes, hygiene products, and a few other things. I go to my kitchen and fill a crate with all the canned/boxed foods. We go to his car and put my stuff into his car.

Once I get into the car I buckle myself in and Aizawa gets in. I sigh and Aizawa starts the car. I look out the window and he drives in the direction of his house. "You can stay at my place until you find a place to live." Aizawa says quietly. I nod my head and he pulls up in front of a blue house. We get out. I grab the crate and he grabs my duffel bag. I follow Aizawa inside and he takes me to the guestroom. I look at the room and it's nice. He lets me unpack so he leaves the room and I sigh. I start unpacking and place the clothes in the dresser. I finish unpacking and flop on the bed. As I lay here on the bed I hear a knock and a sigh escapes me. "Come in." I say quietly. Aizawa walks in and looks at me. "I'm ordering food do you want anything?" Aizawa says quietly. "I'm fine, I'm not that hungry." I say quietly. "Well, if you need anything I'll be downstairs grading some classwork." Aizawa says quietly but I know that he is concerned for me. I nod my head and he leaves me to me. As soon as the door closes I bury myself under some covers and curl up. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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