Chapter 8: The Date

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As stand in my room wearing a robe I look through my clothes and pull out a black dress. My brother left early this morning to head back to the house we grew up in and so I have my apartment to myself. I slip into the black dress and it hugs my body. I put on some mascara, eyeliners, and lipgloss and then put on a pair of black 3-inch high heels. I grab my handbag and put my phone, wallet, Keys, and makeup into the bag. I walk out of the room and hear a knock. I walk to the front door and open it. Shota looks at me and he is wearing a suit and there are no more bandages on him. "You look beautiful." Shota says calmly. "You look nice." I say calmly. He holds out his hand to me and I take it. We walk down to the parking lot and Shota leads me to his car. He opens the door for me and helps me into the car. I get in and he shuts the door. I buckle myself in and Shota gets into the car. I look at him and he buckles himself in. "Ready?" Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he starts the engine before pulling out of the parking lot. I relax and Shota focuses on driving. The car pulls up in front of a fancy restaurant that is near the beach. Once the car has been parked Shota gets out and he walks over to my side of the car. He opens the door and I smile at him. He helps me out of the car and we go into the restaurant. "How may I help you." A male waiter says calmly. "Reservation for two under the name Aizawa." Shota says sternly. The waiter leads us around the restaurant and he seats us at a table that is out on the balcony which faces the beach. Aizawa pulls out a chair for me and I sit down. He sits across from me and I relax. The waiter hands us a menu and we look at it. "So to start what would you like to drink?" The waiter says calmly. "I'll take a glass of cherry wine." I say calmly. "I'll have the white wine." Shota says seriously. The waiter goes to get our drinks and I look at the menu.

Shota looks at me and I blush. The waiter returns with our drinks and smiles at us. "Now what would you like to eat?" The waiter says calmly. "I'll have the Au Gratin Potatoes with blackened chicken and cucumbers on the side." I say calmly. "I have tortellini pesto with grilled chicken and a salad on the side." Shota says sternly. The waiter goes to get out food started and I look at the water. Shota smiles at me and I relax. "So is this the only thing we're going to do tonight?" I say calmly. "No, we walk the beach and maybe spend some time at your apartment." Shota says calmly. "I would like that." I say calmly. He holds my hand and I feel like I can be myself around him. Our food arrives and the waiter leaves us to be. I pick up a fork and Shota smiles at me. I eat my food and it's delicious. "How is it?" Shota says calmly. "It's delicious." I say calmly. He starts eating his food and I relax. We talk about ourselves and just enjoy our time together. After eating Shota pays for the food and we walk together. He holds my hand as we walk on the beach but I'm no longer wearing any shoes and it's just so peaceful. "Shota thank you for doing all this." I say calmly. "You deserve to be happy and just working with you helped me with figuring out how I feel about you." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes and I smile. "I think we should hide our relationship from the staff and students just until we're ready to tell them." Shota says calmly. "I understand that but they'll figure it out especially if we keep eyeing each other." I say calmly. "Well, Hizashi is a blabber mouth so we can't tell him, maybe we'll tell Nezu since he is our boss." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he smiles. We hear music from the restaurant and Shota smiles. We waltz with each other and he is just so good at leading. "Never knew that you could dance?" Shota says calmly. "My father made me do dance lessons so I know a lot of technical dances." I say quietly. "You don't seem happy about that?" Shota says with concern.

I nod my head and he looks at me with concern. "I didn't have the happiest childhood and my father was a horrible parent." I say quietly. "If it's too painful you don't have to tell me." Shota says reassuringly. "I want to tell you but not out in public because the press would find out and use it against me." I say quietly. He leads me back to the car and he opens the door for me. I smile and he kisses me. I pull back and he shuts the door. I buckle myself in and he gets into the driver's seat. He drives in the direction of his house and I look out the window. Shota's car pulls up in front of a gated house and he puts in a code to get in. I relax and the gates open up. He drives through them and parks in the driveway. We head out and Shota leads me into his house. "You're house is nice." I say calmly. He smiles and leads me over to the living room. We sit down and he looks at me. "Now tell me why you seem so sad when talking about your father." Shota says seriously. "Well, my childhood wasn't easy my father expect each of us to be able to inherit both quirks." "Long before me, Shoto, Fuyumi, and Natsuo there was my brother Toya Todoroki." I say quietly. "You had an elder brother?" Shota says in shock. "Yeah, his name was Toya Todoroki but he died in a fire when I was 12 and his quirk was fire but it wasn't compatible with his body." "He wanted so much to be like my father but because his quirk was so hot my father tried to nudge him in a different direction." "Toya felt replaced by Shoto and me but I was able to get through to my brother but he still tried to kill Shoto multiples." "When he died I realized that my family was mentally messed up." I say quietly. He looks at me in shock and I sigh. He hugs me and I relax. "Shoto was very young when our brothered died but our mother wasn't there to witness the death of her eldest son die because before that my father put my mother into a mental hospital for pouring hot water over Shoto." I say quietly.

"Why would she do that?" Shots say with concern. "My mother became mentally unstable because my father would go overboard with mine and my brother's training and she would try to convince him to take it easy on us but he would hit her." "She saw him in us and the night she poured boil water over my brother's left eye I shield him from the rest of the hot water and it burned my left shoulder." "All this happened because of my father's stupid goal to become the number 1 hero." I say quietly. He looks at me and I show him the burn mark. He touches the burnt skin and frowns. "I forgave my mother but my father ruined everything so it's harder to move on." I say quietly. He looks at me and I reassure him that I'm okay by gently placing my hand on top of his hand. "Is this why you live by yourself?" Shota says quietly. "Yeah, but I'm telling you this because nobody else knows and this can only be between us." I say quietly. He nods his head and I relax. "Do you want some ice cream?" Shota says calmly. "Sure." I say calmly. He walks off to his kitchen and a cat jumps onto the couch. It sniffs around me and then just sits on my lap. I pet its soft black fur and Shota walks into the living room. "Oh, Shadow never lets people pet him but that must mean that he likes you." Shota says in shock. I nod my head and he sits next to me. He hands me a spoon and we share a bowl of ice cream. I notice that he put some caramel, pretzels, gummies, and chocolate syrup over the pistachio ice cream and we eat the ice cream. Shota turns on the TV and he goes onto Prime Videos. We start watching the Big Bang Theory and I finish eating the ice cream. Shota puts the empty bowl on the table next to him and I relax. Shota relaxes and his cat jumps out of my lap. "You can take your heels off." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and remove my high heels. He notices that my feet look sore and I lean against him. He holds me close and I relax. I relax and Shota strokes my hair.

As we're sitting here on the couch Shota looks over at me and I turn my head to him. He kisses me on the lips and I wrap my arms around his neck. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He takes me to his room and I run my fingers through his black hair. "We don't have to do anything but stay with me just for tonight." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he places me on his bed. He may look like a homeless person most of the time but he is very handsome no matter what he wears. He pulls out a t-shirt and tosses it to me. "Wear this." Shota says calmly. I walk into his private bathroom and I take off my dress along with my bra and slip on the t-shirt that goes down to my knees. I fold up my clothes and walk out of the bathroom. Shota looks at me and I put my clothes on a chair. We sit on the bed and I notice that he is just wearing a pair of pajama pants. "So how was work last night?" I say calmly. "It was boring." Shota says calmly. "Well, it takes time plus not every villain walks around at night." I say calmly. He looks at me and we lay on his bed. He relaxes and I look at him. He kisses me and I deepen the kiss. The kiss moves to my neck and I dig my fingers into his hair. He looks into my eyes and I relax. "You make it so hard to hold back." Shota says huskily. "Then don't hold yourself back." I say seductively. His eyes light up with mischief and I turn us over so that he is laying below me. I kiss him deeply and trail some kisses from his lip to his jaw, down his neck, and toward his torso. He looks at me with a deep sexual hunger and I bite, suck, and kiss at some spots of his skin. "Erza stop teasing me." Shota says seriously. "Make me." I say in a seductive whisper. He flips us over and I can feel the dominance radiating off of him. Seeing this side of him is very attractive and It just makes me want him. I kiss him deeply and he pulls back.

"We can't do this, I just want to take things slow." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and we just lay on the bed. He turns out the lights but turns on the fan to cool the room down and we cuddle with each other. I immediately fall asleep due to the warmth radiating off of him and he holds me close.

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