Chapter 19: Dinner With Family

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As I awaken from my nap I notice that I am laying down but my head is on Shota's lap and I look up at him. I notice that he has fallen asleep and I know that he has been working hard as of lately. I sit up and Natsuo looks at me. "You're awake." Natsuo says calmly. "What time is it?" I say with confusion. "It's 6:15 PM." Natsuo says quietly. I nod my head and sigh. I get up and walk down the hallway toward the bathroom. I lock the door and use the toilet. I relieve my bladder and then wash my hands. I sigh and close my eyes for a minute while I lean my head back only just to get my neck to crack. Shota usually lays my head in his lap but when I lay on his Prosthetic leg it makes my neck hurt. I open my eyes and think about my pregnancy. I place my hand on my stomach and hope that nothing happens because if I miscarry or get in an accident that makes me lose my babies yet also stops me from getting pregnant I wouldn't be the same. I walk out of the bathroom and walk back to the living room. I look at my sleeping boyfriend and smile. I sit down and place his head on my lap. I stroke his hair and he relaxes. "You're pregnant!!" Natsuo says in shock. My eyes widen and I sigh. "Yeah, I'm pregnant but don't tell anyone because during the first 3 months, there is a possibility of me having a miscarriage but I'm 7 weeks and 2 months." I say quietly. He looks at me and I sigh. "You don't want to build your hopes up because you're scared about losing your baby." Natsuo says with understanding. "It's babies." I say quietly. "How many?" Natsuo says calmly. "I'm expecting triplets." I say quietly. He places his hand on top of mine and looks me in the eyes with reassurance that my babies will be safe. I look down at Shota and he sleeps calmly. "You should at least tell mom." Natsuo says calmly. I nod my head and Natsuo knows that ever since I was young I was scared about being a mother. The hardest thing about being pregnant is that I have to carry them for 9 months yet also worry about miscarrying.

Shota turns in his sleep and I notice that he is facing my stomach. I smile at him and his eyes open up. He looks up at me and I move his hair away from his face. He sits up and sighs. I feel him lean against my shoulder and he yawns. Mom walks in and smiles. "Dinners ready." Mom says calmly. We get up and walk to the dining room. We sit down and mom has made soup. "I made soup so I hope you don't mind." Mom says calmly. "Soup is fine." I say calmly. We eat the soup and Shota looks at me. I eat the soup without any problem and my mother talks to Shota. I finish eating and Fuyumi looks at me. "So Erza how long have you been pregnant?" Mom says calmly. My eyes widen in shock and I sigh in defeat. "7 weeks meaning 2 months but how did you know?" I say nervously. "Well, a mother call tell when their daughter is expecting and you've been very cautious." Mom says calmly. "Well, I'm still in the early stage of my pregnancy so there is a higher risk of miscarrying." I say quietly. She nods her head in understanding and Shota holds my hand. I look at him and he knows that this is a bit overwhelming for me. "We should get going before it gets too late." Shota says calmly. We get up and mom walks us to the front door. I put my shoes on and mom hugs me. "Take care of yourself and don't over-exert yourself." Mom says calmly. "I'll see you soon." I say calmly. She smiles and I relax. We leave the house and Shota looks at me. "Your family catches on fast." Shota says calmly. "True, plus it's not like I can hide this because people will find out before we know it." I say calmly. He holds my hand and I smile at him. He opens the car door for me and I get inside the car. He closes the door and I buckle myself in. He gets into the driver's side of the car and I smile. He hugs me and I relax. I kiss him on the lips and he caresses my right cheek in his left hand. I smile and he looks at me. He buckles his seatbelt and drives us home instead of going to the dorms.

I look at him and Shota focuses on the road. "Want to stop by a store and get ice cream." Shota says calmly. "Sure." I say calmly. The car pull up in front of a local ice cream store and he parks the car. We walk inside and Shota looks at me. "Get whatever you want." Shota says calmly. I get vanilla ice cream with caramel, waffle cone pieces, chocolate syrup, and cherries and Shota gets the same thing. He pays for us and we go to the car. He opens the door for me and I smile. He kisses me on the forehead and I get into the car. He closes the door and I buckles myself in. I pick up my spoon and eat my ice cream. Shota gets into the car and buckles himself in. We sit in the car eating our ice cream and Shota looks at me. "Shota, I don't know if I am ready to be a mother." I say quietly. "I'm not ready to be a father but I'm will to learn how to become a father for our babies." "We'll get through this together so you're not alone." Shota says calmly. "And this is why I love you because you're will to help me through life." I say softly. "I want to be with you until the day that I take my last breathe." Shota says calmly. "Yeah, but you'll be reborn as an immortal and so will I." I say calmly. "In life & death you are mine and I am yours." Shota says calmly. I smile and finish the last of my ice cream. He holds my hand and I smiles. He drives us home and I touch my stomach. I think about my pregnancy and allow myself to get used to the idea of becoming a mother. I know that it won't be easy but I know that I can do this and that I'm not alone in this. I relax and the car pulls up in front of our house. He parks in the driveway and we get out of the car. I yawn and he smiles at me. "Go get ready for bed I'll be in our room shortly." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and go to our private bathroom. I brush my teeth and look in the mirror.

After cleaning my teeth I wash my face and Shota walks in. I go into our room and put on only a sports bra & shorts. I get into our bed and Shota walks into our room. He turns the fan on and turns off the lights. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist while my back is against his chest and he kisses my shoulder. I smile and he kisses my left shoulder. I close my eyes as I let sleep take me and Shota holds me in his arms as he sleeps.

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