Chapter 2: His concerns

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As I wake up I see Nezu and everything aches. "What happened?" I say with confusion. "All the students are safe but Erza was taken." Nezu says quietly. My eyes widen in shock and its like the world came crashing down. "That's not possible." I say quietly. "Sorry Shota but they took her and we're trying everything in our power to locate her." Nezu says sadly knowing that I've always been protective of those that I had taught. He leaves me to be and I sigh. "Why her?!" "Why would they take her?" "I know I have trained her to protect herself but why did it have to be her?" As I think that I feel like I failed her as her co-worker and former teacher and I wish that I could go find her myself but I know that I can't right now. I sigh and my head hurts from being slams into the ground repeated. I keep thinks at Erza and it's crazy how much I seem to care about her but why do I care so much about a former student of mine. I hear the door open and Hizashi walks in. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Hizashi says nervously. "I feel like shit." I say quietly. "I know that you're blaming yourself for what happened at the USJ but none of it was your fault also we'll find her and bring her back safely." Hizashi says calmly. I sigh and he turns off the lights. "Rest, I'll update you if Tsukauchi calls." Hizashi says calmly. I nod my head and I close my tired eyes.

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