Chapter 13: Taken Away

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As I stand outside with the Wild Wild Pussycats, I watch as my students make their way through the forest and Mandalay looks at me. "Go into the forest and see how the students are doing." Mandalay says calmly. I teleport to one of the tree in the pathway and watch the students from in a tree. I smell something and go check it out. I walk around the forest my sense tell me that something or someone is coming. Before I can turn back a wall of blue flames stops me and I turn around to see a man with black hair, turquoise eyes, and some burnt skin. I stare at him and he looks at me with those familiar turquoise eyes. "T-T-Toya?" I say in shock. "You've connected the dots but don't go telling dad, mom, or our siblings about me. "Y-y-you died." I say quietly. "I didn't die my skin peels off that I was nowhere to be found." Toya says quietly. He approaches me and I freeze up. I couldn't move back due to the hot flames surrounding us and he looks at me. "You're so pale." He says quietly. "Ever since the USJ attack and being abducted by the League of Villains my body has been weakened." I say quietly. "Either come willing or I'll force you back to the League of Villains after all they are the only ones who can prevent you from die." Toya says quietly. I teleport to the other side of the flames and he chases me. I run through the forest and he keeps blocking every route in the forest. He catches up and punches me repeatedly. He throw me over his shoulders and I think about my students. He carries me to a clearing where my student are fighting some other villains and I weakly look at them. Shoto notice the injured state that I am in and he tries to save me but Toya steps into a warpgate and it close up before he can reach me. I get restrained and see Bakugo being tied up. I glare at the villains and I get punches in the cheek by Shigaraki. "You pros think your so tough but you'll die soon enough and we'll have a new Nomu." Shigaraki says tauntingly. "Fuck you." I say coldly. He slaps me and I burn the restraints off and punch the villain.

"I can handle dying but if you think I'll let you use my body like I'm your puppet your sadly mistaken." I say angrily. He wraps him hand around my neck using his quirk but it doesn't affect me. I kick him hard and before I make another me Kurogiri open up a warpgate under me and I find myself in a labratory. "Well, if it isn't the newest test subject." A short fat man say wickedly. He has some Nomus restrain me and I glare at him. "Don't worry I'll prevent you from dying and then I'll work on making you stronger." He says calmly. I gets strapped down and my quirks don't work with the restraints. He smiles and grabs some doctor's utensils. He grabs a needle and sticks it in my spine since I'm lay on my stomach. I feel my vision getting blurry and he puts a mask on my face. "Sleep well because the next time you awaken you'll feel much better." He says calmly.

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