Chapter 17: The UA School Festival

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As I stand here with Shota and Eri I make sure she is okay. When I heard that she couldn't smile I cried because I know what that was like going up. We wait for Midoriya and I sigh. "He's taking too long." I say with concern. "He'll show up so let's go to where our students are at." I say calmly. He nods his head and I hold Eri's hand so that she doesn't get lost. We make it and I see Mirio. He holds Eri so that she can see and I lean against Shota. The music starts and I listen to Kyoka Jiro sing. I look over at Eri and when she watches I notice her eyes light up. She smiles and Shota smiles into his scarf at her happiness. I smile and Shota looks at me. I kiss him on the cheek and he blushes. I look at Eri and she smiles. Once it's over Eri talks about the effects and I am glad to see her happy. The students from the other classes clear out and Shota holds my hand. We go outside and I let Mirio take Eri to see Midoriya. "She smiled." Shota says calmly. "She deserves to be happy and this School Festival was a good idea." I say softly. He relaxes and we let them have Eri during the Festival. We walk around and Nezu looks at us. "How did Eri like the performance that class 1-A gave?" Nezu says calmly. "She loved it and she smile." I say calmly. He nods his head and I relax. We just walk around and I look at my Boyfriend. He buys us some candied apples and I carefully eat mine. I look at Shota and he smiles at me. "I'll drop off Eri after the festival so I want you to stay here?" Shota says calmly. I nod my head and we notice that our students are having fun. We go somewhere quiet and sit on a bench. I look at my boyfriend and relax. He looks at me and I think about my future. "Where do you see yourself 2 years from?" Shota says calmly. "I see the two of us still together probably working together on building a family." I say calmly. He smiles and I can see our future together. I lean against him and he holds me close.

"What if we were to adopt Eri?" Shota says calmly. "I would like that." I say calmly. He smiles and I relax. "So if we were to ever have kids biologically how many do you want?" Shota says calmly. "Well, it doesn't matter how many children we have only time will tell us how many children we'll have in our life." I say calmly. He nods his head and I smile at him. He kisses my forehead and soon Mirio & Midoriya arrive with Eri. I smile and Eri runs over to us. We get off the bench and Midoriya gets her a candied apple. "Did you have fun?" I say calmly. She nods her head excitedly and smiles. Midoriya returns with the apple and she takes it. Shota looks at me and I hug him. "I'll see you later." I whisper into his ear.

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