Chapter 27: Cured

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As I sit in the hospital Recovery Girl walks into the hospital room and smiles at me. She holds a needle and Shota walks in. He holds my hand and Recovery Girl injects me with the needles. I notice that I don't look so pale and Shota smiles at me. I feel the injection regenerating my body's health and start to sit up with my strength. Shota hugs me and I feel better. Dr. Ayakashi walks into the room and checks my vitals. She notices that I'm better and I'm glad that my terminal illness is gone. Shota helps me onto my feet and I hold his hands. Dr. Ayakashi tells me that I can leave the hospital and we get left alone. Shota hugs me and I know that its been hard on him. He helps me get changed and I smile at him. He puts me in a t-shirt along with some leggings and I hug him. I put my shows on and he packs up all the stuff we brought. We leave the room and we go sign out. Shota makes me wait on the bench while he brings the car and I'm glad that it only took 4 weeks to find an antidote. An elderly woman sits down and smiles at me. The car pulls up and I get into it. Shota smiles at me and I just love it when he smiles. He takes me home and I look out the window. "So how are our sons." I say calmly. "Our sons have been missing you." Shota says calmly. "I have been missing them as well." I say quietly. "You'll get to see them when you get home." Shota says calmly. "Ẃho has been watching them?" I say calmly. "Your brother Shoto has been babysitting the triplets with Bakugo and when I'm busy with teaching Nezu watches them with All Might." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he smiles at me. I think about our children and I realize that they are only 6 months old. "Our children are 7 months old." I say quietly. "Yeah, they are." Shota says calmly. He kisses my hand and the car stops in front of our house. I look at our home and we get out of the car. We walk to the front door and Shota unlocks the door. I smile and head inside.

I look at our house and we go to our bedroom. He puts the bags down and I hug him. He kisses me on the light and I wrap my arms around my husband's neck. He holds me in his arms and I push him onto our bed. He chuckles at me and I kiss him on the cheek. "I love you." I say softly. "I love you too." Shota says calmly. I lay beside him and he kisses my forehead. I hold his hand and think about our family. "Shota, will you help me get back into shape." I say calmly. "Of course, I will but you also lost quite a bite of weight within the last few months." Shota says calmly. We leave our room and go to the kitchen. Shota makes some ramen from scratch and I love it when he cooks for me. I relax and the front door opens up. "I gave Shoto a key for when he babysits." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and Shoto walks into the kitchen. I notice that he is hold Ryoya and Kyoya but Souya is in Bakugo's arms. They notice me and Bakugo hands Souya to me. I look at the 7 month old baby and he looks at me with those big blue eyes. "So why are you home?" Shoto says with concern. "My terminal illness was cured." I say calmly. Shoto puts Ryoya along with Kyoya down and I relax. Shota puts a bowl of ramen in front of me and it I smile at him. He take Souya from me and pays both Bakugo along with Shoto for watching the triplets. They leave and I watch Shota take the kids to their playpin. I eat my ramen and Shota walks into the kitchen. I smile at my husband and he sits next to me. "Shota, thank you for being such a good husband." I say softly. He smile and I finish off the ramen. He takes my boy over to the sink and washes the dishes. I go to the living room and I see my sons in their playpin. I smile and Souya looks up at me. I poke his chubby belly and he laughs. Shota walks in and I pick up Souya. Shota sits down and I sit next to him. He looks at Souya and I relax as I look as my son.

"Shota, I think I'm going to retire after our students graduate." I say quietly. "I understand that." Shota says calmly. I lay our son on his baby pillow and Shota smiles at me. I lean against him and he picks me up. He carries me to our room and lays me on the bed. "Just rest I'll be back in a bit." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he goes to put our children in their room. I get comfortable and soon Shota walks back into our room. He lays beside me and wraps his arms around my waist. I close my eyes and he holds me close. I fall asleep and he relaxes.

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