Chapter 18: 2 years later

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2 years have since and our students are starting their second year. I sit in the bathroom pacing around and when I finally take a look at the pregnancy tests my eyes widen at the words pregnant. I hear a knock and a sigh escapes me. I open up the door and Shota looks at me with concern. I show him the positive pregnancy tests and his eyes widen. "We're having a baby?" Shota says in shock. I nod my head and he hugs me. "Want to go see Recovery Girl?" Shota says calmly. I nod my head and throw the pregnancy tests away. I put on a baggy t-shirt along with a pair of leggings and he holds my hand. I relax and we leave our dorm room. We walk to the medical hospital that UA had built during the war with the League of Villains and Shota signs some pays for me. We sit in the waiting area and they call my name. We get up and follow the nurse to Recovery Girl's office. We arrive and she looks at us. She has me sit down and Shota closes the door. "So what is going on?" She says calmly. "I'm pregnant but wanted to make sure that I am." I say quietly. She nods her head and she has me put on the hospital gown. I put it on behind the curtain and the curtain opens up. She does an ultrasound and she looks at the screen. "You're pregnant but there are 3 babies in there also your 7 weeks pregnant." Recovery Girl says calmly. I nod my head and Shota looks at me. I look at him and we're not even married yet. He closes the curtain and I change back into my clothes. We leave the hospital and I sigh. "3 babies." I say quietly. He smiles at me and I hug him. "We'll tell our students when you are fully showing." Shota says calmly. "You're naturally tall so they'll inherit your tallness." I say quietly. He kisses my forehead and I'm glad we don't have classes to teach today. "We'll have to tell Eri." I say nervously. He nods his head and we back it back to our dorm. We see that Eri is waking and she hugs me. I smile and I'm glad that Shota & I adopted her.

"Mom, can we have spaghetti?" Eri says calmly. I smile and pat the 9-year-old on her head. "Of course but it will be a while." I say calmly. Shota goes to the kitchen and I look at Eri. "So Eri how would you feel if you became a big sister?" I say softly. She thinks about it and smiles. "Excited." Eri says calmly. I pat her head and I walk to my room. I take off the T-shirt and look at my stomach. I put on a long tank top and touch my stomach. Since I'm pregnant with triplets it won't be long until I am showing and I know that my students will have questions. We're supposed to do Sexual Education this year so I'm nervous about that. I walk out of the bedroom and sit next to the daughter. Ever since I started gaining pregnancy weight my hero suit is a bit tight. I feel Eri lean into my side and smile. "Mom, why does your belly feel a bit squishy?" Eri says curiously. "Well, I'm pregnant but don't tell anyone because it's a surprise." I say calmly. She nods her head and hugs me. "How many?" Eri says curiously. " I'm going to have triplets and Mommy & dad will need your help around the dormitory." I say calmly. She nods her head and I relax. She pats my belly and I smile. Shota walks into the living room and I relax. He hands her a small bowl of spaghetti and she eats it. He sits on the other side of me and I relax. Shota looks at me and I lean against him. His hand rest on the side of my stomach and Eri looks at me. She covers me in a blanket and I smile. Shota looks at me and I relax. We hear a knock and Eri opens the door before Shota gets up. She comes back and I see Hizashi. He smiles at us and I hold Shota's hand. "So what brings you here?" I say quietly. "I was bored and wanted to hang out for a bit." Hizashi says calmly. I nod my head and Shota looks at me. I get up and walk to the kitchen. I pull out a small pot and make a soup. Shota walks into the kitchen and he looks at me. "Are you okay?" Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he hugs me.

I look at him and he places his hand on my stomach. "Shota what are you doing?" I say quietly. "I'm hugging you." Shota says calmly. "I'm hungry so can you give me some space to move around our kitchen." "Sit, I'll make the soup for you." Shota says calmly. I sit on a stool and he smiles at me. He makes me soup and I watch my boyfriend. "Shota, let's get married." I say quietly. "When were you thinking?" Shota says calmly. "Soon maybe a month or 2." I say calmly. He smiles at me and I hold his hand. "Well, you'll need a dress." Shota says calmly. "True, but with my weight changing each day it's going to be hard to find a dress that fits." I say quietly. He nods his head and I look at him. He smiles at me and I relax. He pulls out a bowl and puts the chicken noodle soup into the bowl. He puts it on the counter in front of me and kisses my forehead. "Eat, but first blow on the food because it's hot." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and carefully blow on the food before putting it into my mouth. Shota stays by me and I enjoy the soup. Shota smiles at me and I finish eating. "Want another bowl of soup?" Shota says calmly. "Yeah, but can you also butter some bread for me." I say calmly. "Sure." Shota says calmly. I smile at him and he fills the bowl up. I relax and he places the bowl back in front of me and gives me bread with butter. I continue to eat my lunch and he moves my long dark purple & white hair behind my shoulders. He braids my hair and I eat the food. He makes sure that I'm comfortable and I relax. "You'll be an amazing mother." Shota says calmly. "You'll be a better father." I say calmly. He smiles and kisses me on my forehead. I smile and finish the rest of my food. I get up and Shota takes the bowl. "Go sit on the couch." Shota says calmly. I leave the kitchen and Hizashi looks at me. I sit down and Eri sits at the coffee table drawing with Hizashi. I relax and Eri looks at me. I smile at her and she holds out a drawing to me.

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