Chapter 9: A Secret Relationship Revealed

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As I sit at my desk in the teacher's lounge I glare at the paperwork I have to go through and so far it's just Shota and me. He passes me a bag of donuts and I blush. Midnight walks in and I work on the papers. Shota helps me with getting the papers done and Midnight watches us suspiciously. I very much wanted to kiss him but we promised to keep everything a secret because we don't want anyone in our business. We leave the teacher's lounge together and we go to pick up Hitoshi Shinso since Shota asked me to help train Shinso for a week. "Are you okay?" Shota says calmly. "Just a bit moody." I say calmly. He nods his head and we get Shinso. Almost every kid has some kind of internship except for general studies but Shota chose to train a general studies student since he saw some potential in Shinso. Shinso walks out and he notices me. "Go change and then we'll get started but meet us at The PE Training Ground." Shota says seriously. He runs off to get changed and we wait for him at the PE training ground. Since it's just us standing here Shota relaxes and I'm glad that we don't have a class or our co-workers lurking around. He kisses me since nobody is around but what we didn't know was that our colleagues were watching us from a distance. I sense Shinso coming and we recompose ourselves. I lean against a tree and Shota teaches Shinso how to fight since his skills in fighting were lacking during the sports festival. I point out his mistakes and help him correct his stances. I show him a few Mix Martial arts Techniques and Shinso watches me so that he can analyze how I am doing this. He is good at listening to instructions and I remind him that it takes practice. "Okay, since you have some fighting techniques down we'll work on your physical endurance and strengthing your muscles." I say calmly. He nods his head and I make him so 20 push up, 10 sit-ups, and 15 laps around the track. "Okay, you're a bit out of shape but from now on you'll commit to exercising daily also you need to build a little bit of some muscle because by now Midoriya can knock you off of your feet." I say seriously.

Shota hands Shinso a written workout plan and I relax. "Shinso work harder because for a week you'll be pushing your limits." I say calmly. He nods his head and we dismiss him since it's lunchtime. Shota looks at me and we walk to the teacher's lounge. As we walk into the teacher's lounge Midnight, All Might, Present Mic, snipe, and Nezu look at us and I grab my bento box. I sit at my desk and open up my bento. I work on some papers while I eat my salad and Midnight looks at me. "So how long have you two been dating." Midnight says calmly. I ignore her and continue to do what I am doing. I put my empty bento to the side and finish off the last of the papers. Midnight tries to get under my skin by asking questions but I refuse to answer her and I get up. I walk out of the teachers' lounge and walk around the school. I sigh and look out a hallway window. "Aren't you Lady Ignite?" A boy with blond hair says with confusion. "That is me." I say quietly. "What are you doing here?" He says cautiously. "I teach class 1-A as the assistant homeroom teacher." I say quietly. He looks at me in shock and I look at him. "I'm Mirio Togato." He says calmly. "I heard of you you're also known as LeMillion." I say quietly. "You know about me?" He says in shock. "Well, I keep tabs on heroes and who is interning with them not to mention I have met Sir Nighteye." "I also know that you're part of the big three." I say calmly. "How do you know so much?" Mirio says quietly. "Well, I used to attend UA and I kept in touch with Nezu." I say calmly. He nods his head in understanding and looks at me. "How come you're so young?" Mirio says in shock. "I'm only 21 years old." I say calmly. "How come you wanted to be a teacher?" Mirio says calmly. "I just want to help students reach their full potential." I say quietly. He nods his head and walks away. I sigh and my phone pings signal I have a notification. I go into my phone and notice that it's the Tokyo News has just released some new news article.


Eraserhead and Lady Ignite are Dating

On May 23rd, 3018 at 5:15 PM Eraserhead and Lady Ignite had their first date at The Oasis Restaurant. Many are wondering if the made it official or not. If so when will they come out to the public? All we know is that they work at UA High School and that she is the daughter of Enji Todoroki.

My eyes widen in shock and I put my phone away. I run a hand through my hair and feel like I'm going to freak out. I walk back to the teacher's lounge and as the heat in my body rises to a boiling point it lets off an intoxicating scent. I feel my eyes change from their lavender color to a glowing electric purple and I feel like something very dark is going to be unleashed from within me. I make it to the teachers' lounge and I grab my UA teacher's pass. "I leaving for the rest of the day." I say coldly. I grab my stuff and teleport to my apartment. I put my stuff down and take off my shoes. I walk to my room and remove my hero suit. I hang it up and put on a tank top along with some shorts. I go to my kitchen and I grab the wine bottle. I walk to my living room and sit down on my couch. I drink from the bottle of wine and deactivate my quirk that I activated from my anger. My phone rings and I see that it's Shota. I sigh and answer the phone. "Erza, why did you leave?" Shota says quietly. "THE FUCKING MEDIA KNOWS ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP!!!" I yell in the angriest voice I ever heard coming from me. "Erza, we'll deal with them but you need to come back to the school because when you're angry it devours you from the inside." Shota says seriously. "Shota, I can't be there right now because it taking everything in me to calm myself down." I say quietly. "Fine, but I'm coming by to talk because you can't be alone when you are upset." Shota says seriously. "Okay, I'll see you later." I say quietly. He hangs up and I sigh. It's hard being a hero and falling in love because people will do any just to extort a hero's secret life which makes me fucking angry.

I put the crystal cork back into the wine bottle and think about what I'm going to do. Honestly, I want to quit being a pro hero because it's not fair that they want to know every aspect of my life. I like Shota a lot but if anything were to happen to him I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I sigh and my cat jumps onto the couch. I pet him and get comfortable on the couch. I close my eyes and take a nap.

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