Chapter 11: Summer Break

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After the students had done their practical exams they got some time off before the had to go to the Training Camp. As I sit in the pool at Shota's house Midnight talks to me about my bath suiting and I zone out. Shota stands at his grill cooking and I can't wait until it's just the two of us. The students are taking their time to get ready for the Training camp so most of the teachers plus a few pros(Mostly Fatgum, Mirko, and Hawks) decided that Shota should throw a cookout but I knew that he was against and I had to convince him into throwing a cookout. I look over at him and get out of the pool. I dry off and walk over to my boyfriend. He notices me and sighs. "I'm sorry if this is a lot of work." I say softly. "Never time we'll prepare a few days ahead." Shota says quietly. I pull his hair back into a ponytail and he looks at me. "Still can believe we told the world about our relationship." Shota says quietly. "People were going to find out anyway so now we're free from hiding it." I say calmly. "True, but I liked the mystery of having a secret relationship with you because it make things a little interesting." Shota says quietly. "Maybe you'll get something special tonight." I say calmly. He sighs and I smile. He finished the last of the burgers and takes them inside. I sit under the patio and umbrella tent and Shota joins me. He hands me a plate and I smile at him. Shota looks at me and we share the food on the plate. I only eat a little bit of what is on the plate. "Your appetite has changed." Shota says with concern. "I just been having an off week." I say quietly. He nods his head and I relax. Shota look at me and a gust of wind blows through strands of my hair. I watch our friends have fun and a sigh escapes me. "Are you okay?" Shots says with concern. "I'm fine." I say quietly. He moves my hair from my face and I lean against him. He holds me close and I look into his eyes. I get up and he looks at me. "Where are you going?" Shota says seriously. I smiles and jump into the pool.

I swim under the water and rise back up to the surface. I look at Shota and he walks over to the edge of the pool. I look up at him and he sits on the edge of the pool. "You're such a troublesome woman." Shota says quietly. "Only around you." I say calmly. He sighs and I move out of the way as Hizashi pushes Shota into the water. Shota rises back to the surface and glares at Hizashi. Shota gets out and I sigh. "When will you learn to stop messing with him."I say seriously. "When he learns to have some fun then I'll stop messing with him." Hizashi says calmly. I teleport behind him and kick him into the pool. Shota watches and I walk over to him. "You didn't need to do that." Shota says quietly. "I wanted to plus he was getting on my nerves." I say calmly. "Seems that your hero name does suit you." Shota says calmly. "Well, I chose Ignite because it's like lighting a flame in the dark." I say calmly. He nods his head and I grab my towel. He looks at me and I feel like throw everyone out just to have personal time with him. I rub some sun block all over my body and just sit here under the tent. Shota looks at me and I lay back on the dry beach towel. Whenever I go swimming I always bring two towels, one to lay on but another to dry off with and it is better this way. Shota relaxes and I hold his hand. He looks at me and I get up. "I'll be back." I say calmly. He watches me walk into his house and I make my way to the bathroom down the hallway. I make it to the bathroom and lock the door. I sigh and feel like something is wrong. Ever since I was abducted by the League of Villain it feels like my body is headed for a shutdown. I look in the mirror and notice that my skin looks a bit paler. I go to Shota's room and grab my laptop. I walk back to the patio and sit down. Shota looks at me and notices that my skin tone is paler. I lean against him and he smiles at me. I hold his hand and he looks at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" Shota says quietly. "I'm fine." I say reassuringly. He still looks at me with concern and I go through my e-mails on my laptop. I notice a strange e-mail and it's an unknown person. My laptop starts to glitch and then it has the screen of death on it. I glare at my laptop and Shota notice that I seem annoy. "What happen?" Shota says with concern. "My laptop glitched and died on me." I say quietly. He looks at me with concern and I feel my head aching. I lay back on my towel and Shota looks at me. "Shota can you go into my over night bag and get me the tylenol?" I say quietly. He nods his head and I watch him get up. I sit up and Mirko walks over. "Are you okay?" Mirko says calmly. "Yeah, I just have a headache." I say quietly. Shota comes back and he gives me one Tylenol pill a long with a bottle of water. I put the pill into my mouth and swallow it with some water. Shota notices some blood drips from my nose and he gives me a napkin. I put it to my notice and he looks at me with concern. I lean my head forward so that the blood doesn't clog my nose. Shota rubs my back and I lean against his shoulder. He strokes my hair and I relax. "If something is going on with you I don't think I can allow you to come to the Training Camp." Shota says with concern. "Nothing is wrong with me and I'll tell you if I feel that something is seriously wrong with me." "Please don't worry about." I say quietly. He nods his head but I know that deep down he'll worry about me no matter what happens. I check to see if my nose has stops bleeding and Shota pours some water on a napkin. I look at he and his gently wipes away they dry up blood. I get up and he looks at me. "I'm going to take a shower and a nap." I say quietly. He nods his head and I walk to his room. I grab some clothes and take a shower. I shower quickly and a wave off dizziness engulfs me so I just lean against the wall.

I sigh and my heart rate is going wild. I don't feel so I quickly finishes washing myself and get out. I dry off and put on some shorts and a sports bra. I walk into his room and turn the fan on. I get into the bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.

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