Chapter 16: A Mission to Save Eri

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After the students got their provisional hero license a lot has happened but today as I stand in my new hero outfit next to him and he looks at me and I hold a neutral look on my face. "Are you sure about joining in on this Mission?" Shota says quietly. "Our students are here and there is a little girl that needs saving." I say quietly. He nods his head and I sigh. A few of us run into the hideout and as we're runs I feel the halls starting to twist and turn due to a villain's quirk. We get separated and I only see Fatgum, Midoriya, Sir Nighteye, Kirishima, Mirio, and Tamaki. My eyes widen as I look at the wall behind us and Midoriya looks at me. "Keep Moving we'll find another way through these hallways." Fatgum says calmly. I feel a hole open up and I fall straight to the basement. I find myself in a hallways and I look up at the hole. I sigh and cautiously walk through the hallways. I get lead into a dead end and run a hand through my hair. I burn my way through the wall and it takes time. I walk through the hole in the wall and continue through the hallways. I hear my ear piece turn on and sigh. "Erza where are you?" Shota says seriously. "I was separated from everyone so I'm in the basement." "I dropped through multiple floor." I say quietly. "Be careful and if you run into some villain protect yourself." Shota says seriously. "You should be careful as well I'll going to try and find a way back to the surface." I say quietly. "See you soon." Shota says quietly. I nod my head and end up at another dead. I burn through the wall and once there is an opening I walk through it. I hear fighting somewhere and burn more holes through wall. I see a clear way and look through some rooms. I see Midoriya, Nighteye, and Mirio and Nighteye has been stabbed. I walk through and Overhaul notices me. I blast purple fire at him and he jumps at me but I just out of the way. Midoriya pushes me out of the way of danger and the little girl tells us to run. I shift into my half fox form since it is more flexible and he glares at me.

Midoriya throws me out of the room and I hit the wall. "Go to the Surface." Midoriya says seriously. I nod my head and since I'm stronger in this form I punch my way back to the surface. It takes time and I rise back to the top. Ryukyu notices my hands and her eyes widen. "Did you just punch your way to the surface?" Ryukyu says in shock. "Yes, I was separated from everyone so I came up here. We notice the ground starting to crumble and my eyes widen in shock. I watch as Midoriya fights overhaul and the battle gets out of hand. My hair blows around from the increase in wind lash and Ryukyu looks at me. Shota appears and I look at him. He looks at my hands and his eyes widen in shock. "I'll have them wrapped up once the paramedic arrive." I quietly. Once Midoriya defeats over wall he erases Eri's quirk and I look her. She is just a child and it makes me sad that she has to go through all this pain. A paramedic checks my hand they pour water over my hands. Shota stays by me and I wince as the paramedic dabs some alcohol soaked cotton swabs around my hands. I look at the little girl and she is so young. The paramedic stitches and wraps my hands up. I look at the little girl and the paramedic looks at me. "She'll be fine but we do need someone to monitor her in case she uses her quirk." He says quietly. "Well, Eraserhead and I are the only ones with erasing quirks." I say quietly. He nods his head and allows us to ride in the ambulance with the unconscious little girl. Shota looks at me and I hold his hand. The ambulance pulls up in front of the hospital and we get out. Shota looks at me and we walk into the hospital. A doctor talks to us about the girl and we look through a hospital window. I look at the girl and the doctor permits us to keeps an eye over her. We walk into the room and I look at he horn. Shota holds my hand and I look at him. He focuses on the girl and I know that she been through quite a lot today.

"Are you feeling okay?" Shota says quietly. "I'm fine it's just that she's such a young child." I say quietly. "Life is full of injustices it doesn't discriminate against anyone whether they are young or old." Shota says quietly. "Sometimes I just question why people have children if in the end they are going to use & abuse them." I say quietly. "You may have had a horrible childhood but it doesn't define you." "Someday you'll have children and you'll understand that you aren't your parents." Shota says reassuringly. I nod my head and we notice that she is awake but her quirk activates but I erase it. She looks around frantically and she looks at us. "It's okay he can't get to you." I say reassuringly. She looks at me and I turn to Shota. He leaves and she looks at me. "W-w-who are you?" She says nervously. "Well, my hero name is Lady Ignite but my real name is Erza, that man that was in here with me is Eraserhead but I call him Shota Aizawa." I say calmly. She looks at me and notice my tails. "We can help you and maybe someday you'll learn to control your quirk." I say calmly. She looks at me and I let her touch one of my tails. "Miss Erza how long will I be here?" Eri says with concern. "I don't know but we know that you can't live here." "We'll figure something out and try to visit as often as we can but we also work as teachers so we'll have to talk to the Principal since he's our boss." I say calmly. "Are you and Mr. Aizawa married?" Eri says quietly. "No, but I am dating him." I say calmly. She nods her head and he notices that she is touching my tail. "Sometimes quirks activate when you're in an emotion state but if you stay calm you'll have nothing to fear." I say softly. She nods her head and Shota looks at me. I tuck her in and she falls asleep. "That was a nice thing to do." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he looks at me. I hug him and he relaxes. We look at her and he notices that she is hugging my tail. I smile and Shota sighs. Life is hard but this little girl needs a family to love.

"We should buy her a stuffed animal." I say calmly. He nods his head and I relax. I gently substitute my tail with a pillow without waking her up and he smiles. "You'll be an amazing mother someday. "We should discuss letting her live on UA's campus in the dormitory with us." I say calmly. "We're the only ones who can help her so it would make sense to keep her with us." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he hugs me. I get up and he looks at me. A nurse tells us that visiting hours are over and we leave. "In form us if her quirk activation it's own." I say seriously. We give the nurse our phone number and go on our way. I yawn and Shota notices. I teleport up to the school's dormitory and we walk into our dorm. We crash onto our couch and fall asleep budding each other.

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