Chapter 20: June 21st, 3021

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After waiting 2 weeks to get married the day has finally arrived, I stand in a room with my mother & sister putting on my wedding dress and they smile at me. I look in the mirror and my mother can tell that I'm nervous. "You can do this and this is what you have been waiting for." Mom says reassuringly and it calms me down. I look at how the dress hugs my body and place my hand on my baby bump. I sigh and my mom looks at me. The door opens and I see my father. His eyes widen in shock but then they soften into a gentle look and he smiles at me. "You look perfect." Dad says reassuringly. Fuyumi and my mother walk out of the room first and dad holds out his arm to me. I take it and he smiles at me. "I'm sorry about what I did to you as a child and I know that I hurt you but I'm proud that you became a wise, independent woman that knows what she wants." Dad says calmly. "I forgive you just don't be pushy when I have these babies." I say quietly. "I won't but I want to be a better father to you and an even better grandfather to them." Dad says calmly. I nod my head and we leave the room. He walks me down the stairs and I see my daughter waiting beside my sister. Eri smiles at me and I feel happy. "Mom, you look so beautiful." Eri says with admiration. I smile at her and she turns to face the doors to the Sunroom. They open up and they walk down the aisle. Soon we follow and Shota's eyes widen when he sees me. He looks at me with love and I am glad that we chose to do this. My father puts my hand in Shota and I smile at him. "You look beautiful." Shota says calmly. I blush and he looks good in a wedding suit. He takes both my hands and we face the officiator which so happens to be Taishiro Toyomitsu a.k.a Fatgum. He smiles at us and I feel my heart gently racing in my chest. Everyone looks at is and Shota focuses just on me. I look up into those dark eyes of his and he moves a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"We gather here to celebrate the marriage of Shota Aizawa and Erza Todoroki." "If there is anyone who thinks that these two aren't made for each other speak now or forever hold your peace." Fatgum says calmly. I look at everyone but nobody speaks up. I look at Shota and he smiles at me. "We'll start with the wedding vows which each of them has written themselves." Fatgum says calmly. I look at Shota and he smiles. "Before I met you I was a mess." "When I first met you I saw a girl who wanted help but now I see a woman who I love so very much." "You became my favorite person to be around and you made me into a better person." "I can't promise that there will be sunshine and rainbow but I promise to be a loving, encouraging, and gentle Husband. I promise to pick you back up when you fall and to put you and our future children first." "I love you forever and always even in life & death." "You're everything to me and without you I am nothing." "I will care for you like you have cared for me." "Today until the end of time I am forever yours." Shota says in a gentle voice. I look at him with tears of happiness in my eyes and he wipes my tears away and I am glad that I wore waterproof makeup. "Shota when I met you everyone said you were a scary person but I got to know you as a mentor, friend, and lover." "When I was hired to be your assistant teacher I was happy." "I got to know you better than when I was your student and honestly you have taught me that my past doesn't define who I became, that the pain of the past can be put behind me." "I promise to be a loyal, loving, and caring wife." "I promise to choose you and our children first." "I love you and my love for you is eternal." "You are my favorite person." "You are my soulmate." I say softly. I notice his eyes getting watery and I wipe his tears. He smiles at me and I look at him. He gently squeezes my hand and I smile at him. I feel warmth filling my heart with joy and everyone smiles at us knowing that we're happy.

"Now for the rings." Fatgum says calmly. Shinso gives the rings to us I put the ring on Shota's left ring finger and he does the same. "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." Fatgum says calmly. Shota kisses me and I smile blissfully into the kiss. We pull away from each other's lips and walk down the aisles. I look at him and he smiles. We go to the ballroom and he looks at me. We walk into the ballroom and sit down. He holds my hand and I smile. We sit down and he looks at me. I smile and he looks at me. I touch my stomach and look at my husband. Our students congratulate up and I relax. Eri runs over to us and Shota smiles at her. Eri looks at my stomach and I smile at her. Once the ballroom is full and everyone has sat down Hizashi announce the first dance and Eri sits with my parents. Shota holds his hand out to me and I take it. He helps me up and he walks me over to the dance floor. I focus on him and he smiles genuinely at me. A slow song comes on and we slow dance with each other. "You look so beautiful." Shota says happily. "And you look handsome." I say calmly. He looks at my stomach and I smiles. "Our sons have grown so much." Shota says calmly. "True, but I can't want to meet them." I say calmly. "I know what you mean and can't wait to meet them as well." Shota says calmly. I relax and he moves at strand of my hair behind my ear. He feels a tap on his shoulder and looks at my littlest brother. Shota steps aside and I smiles. Shoto dances with me and I look at my little brother. "You look extremely beautiful." Shoto says calmly. "Thanks, and I'm glad that you came to the wedding." I say calmly. "I would never miss my sister getting married but we have to get Fuyumi married next." Shoto says calmly. "True, and I know just the person to set her up with." I say calmly. "Who?" Shoto says with confusion. "Tensei Iida." I say calmly. "Isn't he doing physical rehabilitation?" Shoto says with confusion "He finished his physical rehabilation." I say calmly. Shoto nods his head and Natsuo walks over to us.

"My turn." Natsuo says calmly. Shoto steps aside and Natsuo smiles at me. We start dancing and Natsuo looks at me. "How does it feel to be married the one you love?" Natsuo says calmly. "It feels nice and he's didn't marry me just because I'm pregnant but that he loves me." I says calmly. "He is a good person and it's clear that you two were meant to be together." Natsuo says calmly. We notice mom talking to our father and Natsuo sighs. "I wish Toya was here?" Natsuo says quietly. "They wouldn't allow him since he is in Tartarus Prison." I say quietly. "Are you going to visit him soon?" Natsuo says quietly. "Yeah, I need to talk to him." I say calmly. "I tried to visit him but they won't let me because I'm not a hero." Natsuo says quietly. "Maybe I can get you in to see him since I'm still a hero." I say calmly. "You would do that?" Natsuo says calmly. I nod my head and he smiles at me. Dad walks over to us and I look at him. "May I have this dance?" Dad says nervously. I nod my head and he looks at me. I dance with my father for the first time in my entire life and he looks a bit uneasy. "Dad just relax." I say calmly. He calms down and looks at me. "So are you ready to be mom?" Dad says quietly. "Honestly, I don't think I'm ever going to be ready but I have to try." I say quietly. "I know I did some very shitty things over the year but don't left your fear of becoming a bad parent cloud your vision of being a good parents." Dad says quietly. "I'm going to be a mother of three so if I mess up I don't know if I can do this." I say quietly. He nods his head and looks at me. We stop dance and he looks at me. "You become a better person so don't give up on yourself." Dad says calmly. I relax and he goes to sit down. I walk over to my husband and he smiles at me. I sit down and hold his hand. I look at him and he relaxes. "Do you want anything from the buffet table?" Shota says calmly.

"Sure, but make sure that it's something that won't make me feel like throwing up." I say calmly. He nods his head and walk over to the table of food. I think about my sons and know that I have 5 months until the birth of my sons. Shota turns with a plate of lemon tuna pasta and places it in front of me. I smile at him and he kisses my forehead. I eat the pasta and Shota looks at me. "How are you feeling?" Shota says calmly. "Honestly, I'm happy about being married but nervous about being a parent." I say quietly. "Erza, I'll be by your side through every part of our life and our sons will love how gentle you are." Shota says reassuringly. "How do you know?" I say nervously. "You have a very big heart and I've known you since your 1st year at UA." Shota says in a gentle voice. I smile and he relaxes. I finish the plate of lemon tuna pasta and Shota looks at me. Our students walk over to us and I look at them. "Ms. Erza, we know that you have been busy but each of us wanted to give you something special that we all took part of." Mina says calmly. I look at them and they give me a card along with a basket. I smile at them and I get a hug from each of them even Bakugo. Shota looks at me and I hold his hand. "They've grown so much." I say calmly. "Yeah, but our students still have a lot to learn." Shota says calmly. "Their good kids and they may get into trouble but they try their best to protect those closest to them."I say calmly. I smile at him and Shota pats my stomach. A few of our guest leave but since we drove our students here we'll be stay here for a few weeks. We go to the room we'll be staying in and I sigh. I take off the dress Shota yawns. I put on a sports bra, shorts, and tank top and Shota looks at me. I go to the private bathroom and brush my teeth. I look at my stomach and my back hurts a lot due to the babies growing inside of me. I finish my teeth and wash my face. I sigh and rub my back.

Shota walks in and stands behind me. I lean back against him and he holds my stomach. I relax and he knows it's a lot of work. "5 more months and you'll be able to relax." Shota says calmly. "Everything hurts." I say emotionally. "Come on I'll tuck you in and tell the students to keep it down since you're resting." Shota says calmly. He kisses my shoulder and I smile at him. He leads me to the bedroom and pulls back the covers. I get onto the bed and Shota smiles at me. He covers me up and kisses my forehead. "I'll be back soon." Shota says calmly. I smile and he leaves the bedroom. I rub my belly and sigh. "You 3 are a lot of work on mommy's body but I love each of you." "I worry about you three because I'm not sure how our life will be." I say quietly. "Our life will be happy and so will our children." Shota says calmly. I blush and he gets into the bed. He lays behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and I look at him. I close my eyes and fall asleep in his embrace.

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