Chapter 23: A Husband Concern

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As I sit outside the hospital room I silently pray for my wife to survive and my father in-law looks at me. "Is my daughter okay?" Enji says quietly. "I don't know they kicked me out of the before I could ask questions." I say quietly. The door opens up and a doctor looks at me. "Is she okay?" I say quietly. "You wife is fine and we stopped the bleeding." Dr. Akira says calmly. I nod my head and she lets me inside. I sit close by my wife and she has an oxygen mask on. I stroke her hair and she relaxes into my touch. I notice my sons and they look like me except their hair and eye color are different. I know that Erza had names picked out for them and hope that my wife wakes up so she can see what they look like. She waited so long to see them and I know that it would make her sad if she didn't see them. I hold her hand and she groans out in pain. I look at her and she tiredly opens her eyes. "Shota." Erza says tiredly. I kiss her forehead and she relaxes. A nurse helps her sit up and she holds my hand tightly from the pain of being sat up. A nurse hand her the white haired baby with blue eyes and Erza holds him securely in her arms even if they feel weak. I smile at her and she looks into my eyes. "He's so small." Erza says calmly. "Well, most baby's are but he'll grow bigger over the years." I say calmly. She nods her head and looks at him. She passes him to me and I hold my son. He looks up at me and I never knew what it would be like to be a father but I hope that I won't be live my own parents. My parents were control yet they also would neglect me. Erza holds our two other sons and I look at my family. Erza names them and I look at Souya. He sleeps soundlessly in my arms and Erza looks at me. I thank her for our sons and she smiles at me. She nurses let us feed them baby formula and they go to make some battles. Erza's siblings along with her parents walk in and the smiles.

Her passed Ryoya and Kyoya to her siblings and I continue to hold Souya. We let my wife rest and I get handed a baby bottle with baby formula. I feed Souya and he is such a calm baby. Shoto looks at his nephews and I relax. I look at my wife and she relaxes. Souya falls asleep and I look at him. A black-haired nurse checks on Erza and I hope that nothing happens to Erza. I put Souya down and I hold my wife's delicate hand. She senses me holding her hand and tightens her grip on my hand. I lean against the bed and fall asleep.

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