Chapter 7: Dinner With Siblings

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I wake up from my nap and hear a knock. I go to answer it and I see Natsuo & Fuyumi. I let them in and they go to the kitchen. They see Shoto and I pull out some plates. I yawn my phone vibrates. I pull it and my heart flutters.

6:30 PM

"Would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?"👉👈

"Sure, what time?"🥰

"I'll pick you up around 5:00 PM."

"Okay, but is this just hanging out or a date?"

"It's a date."😘


My hair lights up like fiery lava and Fuyumi notices the deep blush devouring my face. I walk out onto the balcony and calm my nerves. Fuyumi walks out and I look at her. "Are you okay?" Fuyumi says with concern. "I just got asked out on a date." I say nervously. "When is the date?" Fuyumi says calmly. "Tomorrow at 5:00 PM." I say quietly. "I'll help you pick out an outfit," Fuyumi says calmly. I nod my head and check back with Aizawa.

6:37 PM

"Are you okay?" 😟

"Sorry, I just nearly set my sibling on fire with what you said."
"I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow also wearing something nice."

"Okay see you tomorrow bye."

I stop talking to him and put my phone away. I sigh and lean against the stone railing of my balcony. I calm down and walk back into my apartment. I put a slice of pepperoni pizza on my plate and walk to the living room. I sit down and we watch Brazen. I eat my pizza and Shoto pets m cat. Sebastian relaxes and I go put my empty plate in the kitchen. I clean the plate and grab a wine glass. I fill it with some of the wine Natsuo bought and I go sit on my balcony. While I sit here I spot Aizawa scanning the area and he notices me sitting on my balcony. I sit comfortably on my loveseat and Aizawa jumps onto my railing. "What are you doing?" Aizawa says calmly. "Just sitting here?" I say calmly. "Aren't your siblings here?" Aizawa says with confusion. "Yeah, I just needed a moment to myself." I say quietly. He nods his head and notices that something is wrong but he decides not to press for answers.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Aizawa says quietly. I nod my head and he uses his capture weapon to jump away. I take a sip of my wine and sigh. I go to my room and set my cup down. I take off my hero suit and put it away. I put on some shorts along with a tank top and I grab my glass of wine. I go to the living room and sit on my favorite chair. Shoto looks at me and I finish off the wine in my glass. I yawn and Fuyumi leaves because she has work in the morning. Shoto retires to the guestroom and I sit with Natsuo. "How is college?" I say calmly. "It's going good and what have you been up to." Natsuo says calmly. "Just hero work and being a teacher/therapist." "I'm quitting modeling though." I say quietly. "Any crush on a co-worker." Natsuo says calmly. "Well, there is this one guy he is 30 years old so that is a huge gap between us not to mention he used to be my teacher." I say quietly. He nods his head and I relax. "Age doesn't matter if he treats you well." Natsuo says calmly. "Well, don't tell dad because he's still trying to arrange a marriage between me and that speed hero ingenium." I say quietly. "I won't after all that's your job." Natsuo says quietly. "I hate him because he killed Toya." "If dad helped Toya with controlling his quirk then maybe he would be alive." I say quietly. "You were 12 when he die and Fuyumi was 13." Natsuo says quietly. "True, but I'm scared that if I have kids I'll hurt them." I say quietly. "You & Fuyumi did good with raising me after mom was put in the mental hospital so don't discourage yourself because you'll make a wonderful mother someday." Natsuo says calmly. "Natsuo you're a good brother and I hope someday we'll all get to live how we want." I say quietly. He nods his head and I hug my brother. He smiles at me and I relax. "I should get going I'll see you around." Natsuo says calmly. I nod my head and he gives me one last hug before he has to leave. I watch him leave and now it's just me. I know that Shoto is here but he is resting so it just leaves me here alone. I pick up my wine glass and walk to the kitchen. I fill it up with more wine and put the pizza away into baggies.

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