Chapter 24: Class 1-A Meets The Triplets

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It's been five months since I gave birth to my sons and today our students are meeting them. I look over at my husband who is wearing his hero suit and he hugs me. "Nervous?" Shota says with concern. "Yeah, but our students will enjoy having the babies around." I say calmly. "Don't worry you look fine and even if you still have some of the pregnancy weight you still look amazing." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and smooth out my dress. We get out of the car and Shota grabs the baby stroller. He puts the triplets in it and we head into the school. I walk with my husband and he relaxes. We make it to classroom 1-A and he makes me wait outside with the triplets. I look at my sons and I'm glad that they were born healthy. I listen to my husband speak to the students and he lets me come in with the triplets. I push the stroller into the classroom and our students get excited to see me and the babies since it has been a while since I have shown up at the school. I pick up Souya and Shota lets the students come to see the babies but he tells them to come up 3 by 3. Each student comes up but I make sure that they are gentle when holding my sons. Shoto, Bakugo, and Kirishima come up last and Bakugo looks at the babies. Souya makes a lot of baby noises and Bakugo holds him. I notice that Souya seems to warm up to Bakugo and Shota notices that my energy is low. He sits me down in a chair and I look at him. "Don't over-exert yourself." Shota says quietly. I nod, and he knows that things haven't been easy for me ever since the triplets were born and my health hasn't been like it used to. The birth took a lot out of me and my quirks have been a bit out of control. Bakugo hands me my son and I thank him. He notices that I don't look as lively as I used to be and concern fills his eyes. He goes to sit down and I hold my son. Shota looks at me and sighs. "Go out to the pe training ground." Shota says seriously.

When they leave Shota looks at me with concern and I know what he is thinking. "Erza, go see Recovery Girl." Shota says seriously. I nod my head and he helps me up. I put Souya into the stroller and Shota walks with me to Recovery Girl's office. We make it and Shota expresses his concerns for me. She has me sit down and I look at my husband. Recovery Girl runs some tests on me and scans my body to check if everything is all right. "So what's going on with me?" I say quietly. "You've contracted a terminal illness and it's causing your body to shut down." Recovery Girl says quietly. My eyes widen in shock and I look at my children and husband. "So how long does she have to live?" Shota says quietly. "She has at least 3-4 months before her body gives up but that could change if she is untreated." Recovery Girl says quietly. I sigh and Shota holds my hand. I get up and Shota sighs. We leave the nurse's office and Shota's mood has turned gloomy. I hug him and he sighs. "We're going home I'll have Hizashi take over the class." Shota says quietly. I nod my head and he makes sure that I am careful. We walk to the teacher's lounge and Shota holds my hand. We see Hizashi and he looks at us. "Everything okay?" Hizashi says with concern. "I need you to cover for us." Shota says seriously. Hizashi looks at me and notices that something isn't right but he leaves it alone. Hisashi goes to take over the class and Shota leads me to the car. "Shota are you okay?" I say quietly. "Honestly, I feel terrified because you're not going to see our children grow up." Shota says quietly. "Shota, if I could stay alive to raise our sons I would." I say quietly. He nods his head and I hug him. "I just don't want to lose you." Shota says quietly. "Shota, I'm not going anywhere but I think that we need to see a doctor because whatever my condition is it could take a turn over the next 3 to 4 months." I say quietly. He nods his head and we make it to the car. He puts the triplet into the car and I get into the passenger's front seat. I look back at my sons and wish that I had longer to live. 

Shota gets into the car and I look at him. I hold his hand and he looks at me with sadness. I haven't seen him sad and it hurts seeing him like this. I hug him and Shota holds me close. I stroke his hair and hear him sniffling. "Shota, I think you should admit me to a hospital." I say quietly. "I won't leave you in a hospital to suffer because you're not just my wife but you're my soulmate." Shota says quietly. "Shota, you'll still be by my side but there is a chance of my illness being cured." I say quietly. "Fine, I'll send you to a hospital but I'm going to stay by your side and when I'm busy I'll call you to make sure that you're feeling okay." Shota says seriously. "I don't expect you to always be there but know that you're living your life and taking care of the triplet will make me happy." I say quietly. "I can't lose you not to a terminal illness." Shota says quietly. "I know that we haven't had this talk but I need you to keep living and be there for our son even if I can't." "When I'm no longer here I need you to remind yourself that you are Shota Aizawa and that you don't give up no matter how painful the current situation may be." I say reassuringly. He hugs me and I hold his hand. He starts the car driving us home and I wish that I wasn't slowly dying. Its more painful watching a person slowly die and sometimes even if the person is cured they aren't truly ever going to be the same person. Shota sighs and the car pulls up in front of our house. "I'll get the triplet just go inside and relax." Shota says quietly. I nod my head and go inside our house. I go sit in the living room on the couch and a sigh escapes me. Shota walks into the living room and he puts the babies on their baby pillows. I look at him and he sits next to me. I lean against him and he wraps his arms around me. He lays down on the couch with me wrapped in his arms and I kiss him on the cheek. He closes his eyes and I lay my head on his chest. 

I listen to his heart beating in his chest and its at a steady pace. I feel his arm resting on my waist and let his heartbeat soothe me into a calming sleeps. 

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