Chapter 15: Dormitories

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Once the dorms were finished being built the adults moved in a day early and now we stand outside in our hero suits waiting for all our students to arrive. I look at our students Shota scolds them. I notice that Tsu seems a been sadness and Shota looks at me. We let them go inside and Shota gives Mineta a warning. Shota walks over and he hugs me. "I didn't see you that day." Shoto says quietly. "I was in a different building." I say quietly. "You scared me." Shoto says quietly. I nod my head and he goes to his room. Shota leads me back to the teacher's dormitory and I hold his hand. He looks at me and I relax. We make it to our dorm room and I kiss my boyfriend. "We have students to train tomorrow." Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he picks me up. I wrap myself around him and he throws me onto our bed. I stroke his hair and he gets comfortable. I think about the two of us and his head rests on my shoulder. Shota hugs my waist and I just enjoy his presence. We watch a movie and Shota holds me close. I look at him and he smiles at me. I look at my bandaged arms and Shota kisses each of my injured arms. I smile at him and he is such a sweet man. "So what do you want for lunch?" Shota says calmly. "A bowl of spicy ramen with tuna but cook it for 4 minutes and 59 seconds also add olive oil to the water." I say calmly. "Okay." He says calmly. I smile and he walks to the kitchen in our apartment-like dorm. I sigh and know that I have to get a new hero suit since my original is now trash. I grab my sketchbook along with a pencil and go to the living room. I sketch out my hero suit and color it in.

I add a necklace with a built-in tracker and Shota walks into the living room

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I add a necklace with a built-in tracker and Shota walks into the living room. "Drawing a New Hero Suit?" Shota says calmly. "Yup, but it will have a neck that has a built in tracker that way everyone will know where to locate me in case I ever get abducted again." I say calmly. He smiles and hands me the bowl of spicy tuna ramen.

I put my sketchbook down and take the bowl from Shota. We share the ramen and watch some Game of Thrones. I get full after a couple of bites and Shota hands me a napkin. I wipe around my lips and go back to sketching my new hero suit design. Shota goes to the kitchen and I sigh. When he comes back he sits beside me and I lean against him. He kisses my left shoulder and I smile at him. "You should be a designer." Shota says calmly. "That was my plan B in case plan A didn't go well." I say calmly. "What was plan A?" Shota says curiously. "Well, plan A was to become a hero." I say calmly. "Was it all that you wanted it to be." Shota says calmly. "Yeah, but if I wasn't a hero I wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have known each other." I say calmly. "Then I'm glad that you chose to be a hero." Shota says calmly. I smile and he wraps his arms around my waist. I lean into his warm embrace and he relaxes. I set the sketch of my new hero suit on the coffee table and I shift so that I'm facing Shota. He smiles and sets me on his lap. I caress his right cheek in my left hand and he leans into my touch. He smiles and I kiss his forehead. He relaxes and I cuddle with him. He covers us in a blanket and I listen to his gentle heart as it beat in his chest. He kisses me on my forehead and I feel a calmness taking over us. "How about we watch Howl's Moving Castle?" Shota says calmly. I nod my head and he turns off Game of Thrones to put on Howl's moving castle. Shota relaxes and we watch the movie. What I love about this movie is that Sophie can break Howl's curse and that she doesn't judge him for his decisions. Shota pays attention to the movie and I never believed in true love but Shota shows me that he truly loves me by spending some time with me. I relax and he strokes my hand. I kiss him and he deepens the kiss. I bite him on the shoulder and he picks me up. I look at my boyfriend and he smiles.

He carries me to our room and locks the door. He places me on the bed and I smile at him. He lays beside me and I kiss him. He cuddles with me I just love how comfortable he is around me. I lay my head on his chest and he yawns. I know that he is a very tired person but maybe someday he won't be tired. He falls asleep and I find myself joining him in his sleepiness.

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