Heartbeat Aftermath and Episode 3 Teasers

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AK: So, after seeing all that I'm sure you have some questions and concerns. Well I probably won't be able to answer all of them since this is all that's out. So I'll tell you my thoughts and hope you're satisfied with that. So you 3 somehow got turned into Disassembly Drones. Not sure how or when exactly. Uzi, since you have the Absolute Solver symbol I'm wondering if you have one of those things inside you.

Uzi: OH HELL NO!!!

AK: That's just a mini theory, nothing confirmed. Also since when N destroyed the heart it turned into a mini black hole thing and flew off, plus that voice in the trailer saying "You didn't have to see this," makes me think that's not quite the end of Eldritch J. That's the official name by the way.

Uzi: No shit, that thing is an eldritch abomination.

AK: Stop interrupting me. What else? Oh yeah! There's a very popular theory that's been around since episode 1. That Uzi here might get turned into a Disassembly Drone herself.

Drones:  WHAT!?!

AK: Hey, there's a lot of evidence. And after episode 2 where we got confirmation that something like that is in fact possible, well, the fans just got more riled up. Myself included. But for now, just a theory.

J: This is getting interesting.

Uzi: I don't want that to happen! That's a horrible theory!

AK: Well lucky for you, you're safe for now since you 4 are plushies in my world. If you go back, then yeah, I'm not sure how things'll work out for you. Also Uzi, the hologram of your mom did give way for a few theories. One being your mom was infected with something and passed it on to you. Either the Absolute Solver or maybe something else that was turning her into a Disassembly Drone. And that's what Eldritch J was alluding to. There's a theory that the real reason Khan killed your mom was because she was turning into a Disassembly Drone.

Uzi: If I ever get back, I need to have a serious talk with him.

V: Um hey, why did that other Worker with the weird eye have that picture? What's up with her?

AK: I dunno. There's a few theories, but since there's so little to go off of, I'd rather not say anything. Anyways, you, J, or N have anything to say about the truth about yourselves? I'm here if you need someone to vent to.

J: I see I wasn't much different back then, neither was N apparently. I guess even altering his memories and giving him this upgrade isn't enough to change the fact that he'll always be a complete Moron Bot. As for what I think about the transformation itself I'm glad the company gave me it. It's definitely a major improvement over being a Worker.

Uzi: You don't have a problem with the fact they formatted your memories to soup?

J: I can't say I like it but I see why they did it. They wanted to make sure I wouldn't hesitate to kill Workers. Though I probably was the most likely to kill even without that happening since I'm the only one who behaves the same. V is completely different Drone, and if N betrayed the company without his memories, then he definitely wouldn't have even killed with his memories.

V: Is that why I feel nothing? That explains a lot. I'm not sure how to feel about that but I am glad for the weapons.

N: I can't believe I used to be a Worker! That's crazy! I really wish I had my memories.

Uzi: This is disgusting. When I get to Earth, the Earth in my world, whoever runs that mansion is 1st on my kill list. Also, SERIOUSLY J!? Even knowing what happened your fine with it?!

J: Being a Disassembly Drone is better than being a Worker. If that theory he said is true then consider yourself lucky. Maybe you can even finish what I started seeing as N does whatever you say, and V is at your mercy.


AK: Ok, ok. Calm down. Oh, by the way. I just got a notification from and apparently episode 3 is coming out on February 17. Not far away. It's supposed to be the prom episode. Remember? From the trailer apparently you take N.

Uzi: Let me see!

One quick showing.

Uzi: Of course, more shit is going to pop up. Right after that too.

J: You didn't even really experience it, why are you making such a big deal? It's annoying to hear your constant complaining.

Uzi: Its still terrifying. I thought I saw my dad die, and that thing in you knows something about me and my mom I don't.

J: Ugh, whatever.

N: V looks pretty in a dress.

V: Looks like I'm finally gonna get out of those chains. I can't wait to see what I do.

N: Hey V, why would stay if you were-


AK: Okayyyy, that's enough of that. Let's react to some fan made stuff, I wanna see how you react.

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