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A few days later during class, Uzi pulled out her railgun during a presentation. Looks like the curtain has lifted and the show has begun. I never really thought about what'd I do when this eventually happened, but I think it'd be best to not get involved and most stay in the background. I probably shouldn't reveal myself until episode 6, 3 I'll help Doll but manipulate things without being seen. A loud buzzing and crackling snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yo, check yourself!" I yelled as I ducked for cover.

"What the-!?!" Uzi yelled before her gun exploded.

Once the smoke cleared, the teacher dismissed everyone. I followed Uzi to the nurse's office and waved while standing there silently with a smile on my face.

"What the-? What are you doing?" she asked.

"Being weird. Because reasons. I'll go now, byyyyyyyyye," I said.

I walked out of sight then teleported into the vents by the doors, and just waited for Uzi to leave. I dozed off a bit before the loud sound of the door opening woke me up. I saw Uzi and Khan talking to each other and got ready to make my move. While overhearing them, I cringed at what they said. I don't know what was more ridiculous and unbelievable, Uzi saying she has a boyfriend, or her saying she wants to do door stuff. Sure she eventually gets N, but that hasn't happened yet. So right now it's just a stupid and unbelievable lie. Back to what I was doing, the moment Uzi left I teleported outside to follow her. Luckily I still had the surrounding area memorized from my last adventure outside and was able to teleport a good distance away to avoid detection. While watching her, I realized this was my chance to get back at J for giving me a virus. I didn't want to reveal myself to it'd have to be something small and petty. Timeskip to after Uzi's and N's interaction, V and J showed up. I used the Solver to knock a loose decapitated drone head from the spire and made it fall on her.

"Ow! Corporate profits!" J yelled.

I snickered at that and teleported back to the bunker and made it seem like I was in my room the whole time.

"Give it a few minutes," I said.

After said few minutes I heard rapid knocking on my door, I opened it and saw a random panicking drone.

"Emergency! Danger! The Murder Drones are in the bunker!" he yelled.

I nodded and followed them to the final act of the episode.

"Hey Doll! Crazy shit's happening," I said.

"Why are you smiling? You've almost died because of the Murder Drones, and they're here! Inside the bunker!" she yelled.

"Yeah, but we still have a higher chance of surviving than anyone else," I said.

"Wow, so you're full of yourself," Lizzy said.

Then Thad was tossed towards us, J and V were here. I just stayed silent and towards the back to not draw attention, then Uzi and N showed up and took care of everything. I laughed at the fact that J still monologued even though when we fought I took advantage of her doing that, guess she needed to learn her lesson the hard way and actually get destroyed. Cue cheering, family drama, and Uzi banishing herself.

"Well that sucks for whoever has to fix that," I said while looking at the hole in the roof.

I heard someone curse at the fact that it would probably be them. Whatever not my problem, or even the biggest problem that would appear. Hope these drones were ready for some real heartache.

"Alright, attention everyone. Don't think this changes the fact that parent-teacher conferences are tomorrow. You're all expected to show up," the teacher said.

"What about me, I don't have parents to bring," I said.

"Still show up," he said.

"Ugh, fine," I complained.

We all dispersed and left the emergency area, in my head I was thinking how to escape the conference and watch the show irl. Then a realization just hit me, Thad was able to not attend and he was fine. I had to remind myself this wasn't my old world, I could easily skip school and there'd be 0 consequences. Alright then, just don't go. Just prepare to deal with a fellow eldritch monster. Oh wait, eldritch beast fight? Nice. Imma kick her (its?) ass.

"Hello? Crawler," I heard Doll behind me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I am going to need your hel- you're planning something aren't you?" she said.

" it that obvious?" I asked.

"Yes. You have a 'I'm planning something' look," Doll said.

"Well, you caught me. What were you going to ask?" I said.

"Like you, I am planning something, and I need your help," she said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Revenge against one of the Murder Drones, V. She is the one who killed my parents," she said.

"I got your back, what's your plan?" I said.

"I don't have anything specific at this particular moment, but when I do I'll need your help," Doll said.

"Ok. Well tell me when you do, I'll be there to help," I said.

"Thank you, perhaps I could help you with your plan?" Doll offered.

"Thanks, but it involves going full eldritch monster, and you can't do that. So sorry," I said.

"I see, very well then," she said before teleporting away. I just stayed in my room and waited for tomorrow. First thing I did when I woke up was head towards the emergency area where J died to watch the beginning of the episode, as soon as that was done I'd follow the carnage till the end where I'd jump in and fight it. Hopefully N and Uzi are entertained. Timeskip to attempted classroom break in, when Doll drove her/it off, I waved at her before continuing to follow the beast. Right as Eldritch J killed Fake Khan, I jumped in full eldritch mode and slugged her/it in the face. I also made sure to put a filter on my voice and disarm Uzi.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Annoyed growl. Who are you? We do not recognize you," they said.

"No surprise, I am new. Not related to any previous host," I responded.

"You will not stand in our way," they said.

We met each other blow for blow with our claws, so I tried to entangle her with my tendrils.

"Tied up, nowhere to go," I said.

"You underestimate us," they said.

Then a bright green light sailed right past my head. Shit, Uzi grabbed her gun.

I threw a tendril at her to disarm her again but it phased right threw her.

"Fuck, hologram," I said before Eldritch J pried me off and slammed me into the floor.

"How unfortunate for you. It's mouth time. Time to get in my mouth," they said as they chomped down on my head before I could do anything.

I was going to pull myself free and just regenerate a new head, but N came in and sawed off Eldritch J's limbs. The distraction was enough and I used my Solver to collapse the ceiling on top of them, plus used as many of my limbs as possible to pin them down.

"How the tables have turned, I'll slice you up now," I said.

I stole their hologram limbs and some of their inner circuitry just in case it was needed. Then I struck something that sparked green.

"Oh no, well got to go. Bye," I said before teleporting.

Back in my room I sorted through everything I stole. 6 holo arms, a mess of wires, random circuit boards, and a few other things I didn't know the name of.

"Alright, how do I incorporate these into my body?" I asked myself.

I went through the different settings in my head and searched for anything useful. I got tired of waiting and just selected random bullshit. That caused everything to get all fuzzy and disorienting, when that went away. The pile was gone, and I was slightly taller than before.

"Assimilation successful," a message on my screen said.

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