Musical Nightmare

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When we got back Uzi was still sleeping, N carried her to her room and decided to stay with her. I also went with them since V was in a not so good mood. As the two slept together a thought came to mind.

Me:'s been a while since I've played FNF with someone else. Let's see if I can affect their dreams and have some fun. Considering what happened earlier, I have the perfect songs in mind. But if Uzi finds out that I'm responsible for what's about to happen she's so going to kick my ass. Eh. Fuck it.

I did the thing where I load the songs and connect to the nearest drones. I started with Uzi.

3rd POV

Uzi found herself back in Camp 98.7. Except this time she was all alone.

Uzi: How the hell am I back here? I know I got on the bus. Did they ditch me!?! NO, N wouldn't, right?

Suddenly corpses rained from the sky.

Uzi: Ah! What the hell!?!

A winged figure landed in front of her, it's details hidden in shadows.

???: Hahaha...what's the matter? Don't appreciate your own handiwork?

Uzi activated the Solver.

Uzi: Come out! I have Robo Satan powers I'm not afraid to use!

???: You wouldn't attack yourself, would you?

The figure stepped out and revealed itself to be Uzi in her murderous Solver form.

Uzi: What!? How!? What???

Solver Uzi: Hello me, I saw what you did. And let me say, I'm impressed. You really did a good job for your first murder spree. Can't wait to see what your next one looks like.

Uzi: NO!!! I won't go on another murder spree!!! I refuse to become a monster!!!

Solver Uzi: Really? That's fine. I'll just take control and do it for you.

Uzi: I SAID NO!!!

Solver Uzi: You misunderstand, I'm not giving you a choice.

Solver Uzi flew up into the air. Regualr Uzi activated the Solver but it had no affect on her evil self. Solver Uzi just smiled evilly.

Uzi: Shit.

She started running.

Solver Uzi: Go ahead, run. Makes it more fun.

She flew after her other self with nothing but evil in her visor. Only after a few minutes after the chase began music started to play. And the 2 began singing.

Uzi tried to run, but it was no use. Solver Uzi caught up to her.


Haha! That was gold! Alright, let's get N so we can kick things up a notch.

3rd POV

N woke up and saw Uzi wasn't next to him. The room was trashed and the door was busted open.

N: Oh Biscuits. That's not good.

He calmly but nervously walked out. There were bodies everywhere. More and more piled up the more he walked. The lights flickered on and off.

N: Uzi! Uzi? Hello?

The lights then went out completely. Then the purple glow of Uzi's visor lit up the hall. A brutalized Thad appeared in front of N. His visor was cracked, one of his arms was gone,  and he was imapled in several spots with jagged pieces of metal. A disembodied voice then counted down and music started playing. For whatever reason N suddenly had the urge to sing.

Soon Thad disappeared and Uzi showed up all murdery. N tried to call out to her to calm her down but all he could do was sing. Uzi meanwhile tried to call out to him but she also could only just sing. Then Lizzy appeared. She also had a cracked visor and a missing arm, but her defining injury was a large hole in her chest. Doll stood behind her, and sang as backup. N was glad V wasn't here to this. Soon Uzi came back and the 2 tried to talk, but it failed and the song continued. Soon Khan popped up and he was the worst. Instead of just a cracked visor it was completely smashed in exposing wiring, he was missing both arms and a leg. In his chest was an all too familiar wrench. When it got to the laughing parts N was confused. Why was he laughing? He was terrified and worried. Eventually Uzi came back for a 3rd time and the song finally ended.

Back with AK...

Alright, now let's do one more. Specifically with me. Hmmmm, let me think...Fatality? I mean it kinda fits due to the fatal error messages the Workers get when they die. Nah. Prey? There's 3 characters, but who would be who? I'm definitely not Sonic. I'm thinking either Furnace=Me, Starved=Uzi, and N=Sonic. Or Starved=Me, N=Furnace, and Uzi=Sonic. Let me think what the scenarios would be.

1. Uzi is controlling me and sent me after N. When I can't catch up Uzi steps in and helps hunt him down.

2. Me and N team up against Uzi. N can't kill her, so I step in.

1 makes more sense after what I just showed them, but I really wanna do Starved voicelines. I could do both, one for each. Buuuuuut I'd prefer to have all 3 of us in 1 song. Mmmmm...AHA! I got it! I'll do option number 1, then at the end I'll show up  in pitch black darkness and say Starved's lines. Let's go.

3rd Pov

N was flying around Copper 9, looking signs of any drone.

N: Geeze, I haven't seen a single drone for miles! Someone must've been working overtime!

AK: Target spotted!

N: Huh? Was that AK?

AK slowed down and fell to the ground.

N: Looks like he needs to drink some oil. Hey Uzi! Can I get you some oil?

Uzi: You have no idea, N. Hahahaha...

Cue N vs. Uzi. After song.

N: Huh, that was weird. But also really fun-


Uzi descended on N's remains and ate faster than he could regenerate. Eventually he stopped healing and his lights went out. Uzi then snapped out of her murderous frenzy and looked in horror at what she'd done.


AK showed with the Absolute Solver symbol behind him and an X in his visor.

AK: You don't even know your fate, Uzi. Hahaha. Hahaha! HAHAHAHA!!!

Back with AK.

AK: That was fun! I really hope if I ever get sent back to my home universe, I get to keep this ability. I'd love to scare the shit outta my mom and siblings. It is harmless, it's all in their heads. No real harm done. Just a fun little prank. A good scare for the laughs.

Uzi and N woke up screaming.

AK: Oh, your awake. Did you have pleasent dreams?

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