A Conversation and Planning

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I was sitting in my swivel chair, spinning and giggling. Finally! Glad I got rid of those 2, hopefully this means no more hallucinations or other mental shit. Can't wait to tell Doll about it. She's like the big sister that tries to keep you from doing anything fun but you ignore her anyways. And even though she tries to stop you from having fun you still love her. Coincidentally at that moment, Doll teleported into my room.

Doll: I see you're finally awake. Care to explain?

Me: Awwwwww! You do care! Thanks big sis!

Doll blushed a little at that.

Me: Anyways, I was in my head, and 2 other me's showed up. They were sorta like me but had different personalities and appearances, but I could tell they were still me. We had a disagreement and fought while music played in the background. It for who would control the body, and I was the one who came out on top. Not Killjoy, not Pacifist, me. The OG. Tell me, did you ever have to confront alternate versions of yourself?

Doll gave me a look that was a mixture of shock and concern.

Doll: Wow........you really need help.

Me: Hmmmm....I'm guessing that's a no?

Doll: .........Correct.........

Me: Eh, whatever. If anything else happens to me in the future that's a problem for future me to deal with. So how was your day? Care for an arm or a leg? I got plenty as you can see.

I said gesturing to the corpses littering my room.

Doll: Ignoring everything entirely? Really?

I nodded.

Me: Really.

Doll just gave me a sad head shake, the kind that meant "No....just no......"

Doll: My day was fine, I guess. Nothing new. Although I did hear Lizzy and Rebecca start to spread rumors about you because you were absent.

Me: Really? I don't show up once and that's all it takes? Not really surprising when I think about it, when living in a dull old bunker you latch on to anything you can for some form of entertainment. I'll deal with it tomorrow. If it bugs me I'll teach them a little lesson, traumatizing but not lethal. If its mostly ignorable stuff then I'll do just that. Ignore it.

Doll: That's.....surprisingly mature for you. To just ignore something like that.

Me: Yeah, but between you and me, I hope the rumors piss me off so I have a reason to cause some trauma. Oh who am I kidding, now that I say it I don't need a reason.

Doll: Of course, spoke too soon. Then why didn't you do this earlier if you don't need a reason?

Me: It never came to mind until you said something.

Doll facepalmed.

Doll: Just don't cause too much damage to Lizzy. She's one of the only drones I actually consider a friend. 

Me: Wow you must be really close.

Doll: You don't have to sound surprised.

Me: Ehhhhhh whatever. Now Imma get to planning.

She grabbed an arm and teleported away.

Me: Time for some planning. Now think, what would be terrifying for those 2 to experience? Imma see if I can make some of those nasty fleshy blob things that Uzi made in episode 4. That sounds good, maybe try to puppet the dead bodies I have piled in my room? That's not a bad idea, but I need to be sure I have multiple scares at my disposal just incase they don't freak out for whatever reason.

I sat in my swivel chair in a thinking position.

Me: Hmmmm....fleshy blobs, the living dead, what else....what else.....

Just then a thought occurred to me. 

Me: All the drones fear the Disassemblers. I go out, cut off some of their body parts, and use those to scare them. I remember N growing his head back, so a few decap attacks are definitely in order. Some stingers are also in order, everything else I can make a copy of. Doesn't have to be 100%. Alright, lets see. Try to make fleshy blobs, definitely use dead Workers, and get body parts from V, J, and N. 

I was also kinda hoping for a fight cause it would be awesome. Definitely gonna play music while fighting them. My plan was pretty good, but the only problem was that I still needed something big and over the top. Wait, bingo. Create the fleshy blobs and stuff those in the corpses. A combo of organic matter and mechanical parts. Perfect.

Me: That outta be super horrifying. But first I actually gotta see if I can make them.

I grabbed a bunch of inanimate objects, grabbed them with my Solver, and focused. Most of the stuff either broke or duplicated. After several more attempts I finally made what I was looking for.

Me: Ok, that took forever. So just repeat until I have enough, I'll do that later. Right now I'll go outside to confront the 3.

One of the Workers I killed was part of the WDF, so I grabbed their uniform and walked to the doors. I saw some random guys playing cards, Khan was there too.

Me: Hey there, just going outside to take some measurements and stuff, check for damages, etc.

Khan: Good luck. 

No one even looked up, they were all focused on their game. Can't blame them, I've done the same thing. Just replace cards with watching TV, playing video games, and browsing the web. Now to kick some ass.  

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