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So, good news and bad news. Good news is I got away with my dream music prank on N and Uzi. Bad news is N and V conked out.

Me: This ain't good.

Uzi: No shit. Help me drag them to my room. I'll see what I can do.

I grabbed V while Uzi took N. When we got there Uzi hooked the 2 up to a bunch of stuff.

Uzi: Wait a minute. I just realized, how come you're not affected?

Me: I'm just built differently. Literally.

Uzi: Ok. Can you help me with any of this?

Me: I'll do my best. Just tell me what to do.

After a bunch of explaining a bunch of wires up to myself. I was sent into N and V's memory. I looked around and saw N in a rap battle.

Me: Huh, so this is what he dreams about.

I decided to play dumb just in case Uzi was around.

Uzi: He's not the only one.

Me: Ah! You startled me. Well what are we looking for?

Uzi: I already explained this to you, were you not paying attention!?

Me: No, not really.

Uzi: Ugh. Just follow me.

We backtracked through our adventures until Uzi stopped at a memory that took place before episode 1.

Uzi: So this is what things were like for him before we met. Nice to know you defended him from J.

Me: Of course. I didn't want to see him get abused constantly, so I decided to put a stop to it.

We then came across some of my favorite memories.

Uzi: What the-!? The fuck are you doing!?!

Me: Messing with J. What's it look like?

Uzi: Is this you messing with her, or do you really have a crush on her?

Me: Both.

Uzi: Her!? Seriously?! I-! How-!? Why???

Me: Hey. She's hot, and the one of the only females around. I would've flirted with V but N had eyes for her at the time. If he didn't I definitely would've. Then gone with whoever was more receptive.

Uzi: There's something wrong with you.

Me: I know. Let's keep going.

Eventually we wound up in a manor. But as ghosts.

Me: Ooooooo! Spooky!

Uzi: Stop messing around! We need to get N's attention.

She left a message for him, some kind of nickname?

Me: What's dark wolf?

Uzi: I made it when I was 8.

Me: Oh, ok. I always incorporated cool in the name. So whenever someone would call me by that name, they'd call me cool.

Uzi: Ok, just tell me it so I can fit you in here.

Me: KoolKillerX. That's Kool with a 'k'. Also, capitalize both k's and the X.

Uzi: Alright...and we're set. Just gotta wait for him to call us.

Cue N being chained outside and 2 calls later. Uzi in crow form and me as a transparent ghost drone.

Uzi: Ugh, I made the tag when I was 8. Shut up.

Me: I'm not saying anything.

N: What's going on? I'm so confused.

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