Crawler vs. Disassembly Drones

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Me: Alright, so double check to make sure I'm prepared. Now that I say it I probably shoulda done this before I left.

My spider legs popped out just fine, I used the solver to summon my glider and some knives, eldritch limbs ready for combat.

Me: Yeah, alright let's do this.

As I walked to the corpse spire I thought about what songs to play. One of them was definitely Diabolical Invincible, but I wanted one for each of the three. And if I couldn't come up with anything then I'd just make quick work of them and not draw out the fight.

Me: Oh! I know! Wubba Lubba Allons Y! Perfect considering the whole sci-fi thing. Now one more. Hmmmmmmmm....

Some that came to mind were An Undying Dream, Determined To Purify, and Explosion in E Minor.

Me: You know what? No Undying Dream, that ones for a fight between heroes. And I sure as hell am no hero. Considering that line of thinking, I'm leaning towards Determined To Purify. But Explosion is more epic. Tough choice, eh, I'll just do a spur of the moment thing when the fight comes. But who gets which song?

I continued this line of thinking till I ran into the Corpse Spire cause I wasn't paying attention. I hid and waited for someone to show up. The 1st to arrive was N, I threw a knife at him but he noticed and knocked aside with his claws.

Me: And now, Explosion In E Minor.

I started the song as we kommenced kombat. I started by summoning, duplicating, and throwing knives. N countered by blocking them with his wings. He brought out his guns and started shooting. I blocked the bullets with a Solver shield, then used my power to grab a corpse from behind him to slam into his back. N lunged at me with claws and uppercut slashed me into the air. Dammit, too slow. Good my pain receptors were dulled by a lot so this only felt mildly uncomfortable. I brought out my hoverboard/glider and charged at N, who was flying at me. We crashed and fell to the ground. We crash landed in a huge dust cloud.

Me: Yeah! E Minor! E Minor!

I did a small dance in victory, but because of this N snuck up behind me and shot missiles.

Me: Whoa! Shit!

I grabbed them with my Solver and threw them back.

Me: Phew, that coulda been ugly.

N dodged one missile but wasn't so lucky with the 2nd. This brought him down for good. I walked towards him to chop off what I needed. I sliced off his stinger, quick and easy. Then I brought out an eldritch crab claw and snapped off his head. End song.

Me: Alright! One down, two to go!

I walked around to look for my next opponent. I heard a laugh behind me. Then V showed up, swords drawn, twisted smile on her face, ready to kill. I gave an evil smile myself, she had no idea what she was in for. She charged at me but I teleported before she could land a hit. V turned around, confused at what just happened.

Me: I don't think so.

I brought out a knife and gave a small chuckle.

Me: Unluckily for you, I'm Determined To Purify.

I played the song and charged at V. She stabbed me through the stomach, but I pulled myself forward even though I was impaled. Once I got close enough I bite outta V's neck. She threw me back and tried to shoot me, but I put up my shield. I teleported behind her, knife in hand, and stabbed her in the back. V turned around and back handed me, sending me flying into a heap of scrap metal. I decided to switch my fighting style from Genocide Frisk to The Batter. I grabbed a large chunk of metal that was a good enough substitute for a bat. V used her laser cutter attack but I dodge rolled. I got ready to swing at her but V flew in the air and shot a missile. I teleported out of sight and prepared my board, but before I attacked, I watched V scream in anger. I flew at her and swung, hitting her in the back of the head to disorient her. I swung several times at her torso, didn't want to damage her head too much. It got so bad to the point I sent her arms flying. Once she was down for good I brought the knife back out, ready to cut off her head.

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