Cp. 31 An Impossible Choice: The Pain Within Tsunade's Heart

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As always some days run by naruto training pervy sage do what he do the guys slept in separated room than the girls, y/n yawned opening her eyes (i'm not a morning person what about you?) "good morning y/n!" shisui beamed looking beside her yuna deep in sleep "hope naruto's training improved minato always beside him .. i didn't tell naruto about his father following us he will faint right away in the right time maybe" tobirama nodded "if anyone else know about us is gonna hold trouble like the akatsuki.. but why are you so caring about them?" y/n starch out then stands up " i have my reasons.. oh well i have to get ready gathering info's on tsunade" .

Y/n got herself dreeses and left the apartment ' naruto & pervy sage left' she thought .

If i found tsunade i'll sure ask her about us getting her to be hokage won't be easy oruchimaru have his eyes on her so i have so to find her myself .

Time skip////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

"I also have some knowledge regarding lady tsunade i did use to be part of the medical corps after all she was the first person to propose what is now an accepted practice of assigning one medical apecialist to be a small squad of four this was a very revolutionary idea.." kabuto said oruchimaru huffed "countless experiences in war simply became knowledge to equip themselves with many who were sacrificed led to the creation of that style and the thing created by one of the legendary sannin who is known as the medical specialist is that sacrifice" kabuto hummed then smirked " still amused me one genin got in her level to heal the third hokage " .

Oruchimaru shoot him a glare he really hate to think of it but you'll see he'll have her soon .


Tsunade was about to leave the town after feeling something bad is gonna happen of course that snake man is the Couse of it as now standing with a grin in his lips "oruchimaru.." tsunade glared "i found you" .

"Long time no see .. oruchimaru" 

"I'd looked for you everywhere" 

"What do you want from me after so long a time? you aren't thinking of talking about the old days?" tsunade asked "actually i need to ask you for a little favor .." oruchimaru grinned tsunade with sharp eye saw that his not okay having a fever also the arms could that be what happen weeks ago in the village , "lady tsunade you must have understood by now" kabuto said tsunade looked in other way crossing her arms "go to someone else i don't treat anyone any more " .

"That won't do.. you must know how serious this wound is no one can treat this wound except one of the legendary sannin who won her fame as a medical specialist princess tsunade.. you " kabuto state "that arm it's not an ordinary wound , so you've done it huh? your plans didn't work as the third still alive & the village won" oruchimaru shoot her hateful stare he hummed "Anything that has a form will one day decay same goes for humans you must already know that too, for you have two of your most beloved ones die" he chuckles "that was a really terrible way to die" shizune pulled device under sleeves shooting Senbon at him having enough of the nonsense kabuto who stands front of his master stopping her attack 'this senbos .. are poisoned' he thought shizune was about to make next move "calm down shizune" tsunade command at the right time shizune moved back not letting her guard down .

"Oruchimaru your personality's been like this for a long time and you know my personality very well so stop fooling around with me " she smiled not too long that smile turned to a threating one her fist hit the wall behind causing it to break .

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