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"RUNNNN!!!" A voice came from behind.

"FIRE!!!!" Another voice came.

I turned around and saw my mother running towards me.

"NON..." she yelled and picked me up.

"Mom..." I mumbled unable to make sense.

"CATCH HIM!" mom screamed to my dad and threw me out of the window.

My dad caught me and I saw the burning curtain rod fall on top of my mother.

She yelled and screamed in pain. I kept crying while my father held me tight helplessly calling for help.

"Aaarrgghhhhh!!!" it was the last time I heard my mother's voice.


"Ae, your son is saying weird things." My grandma said to my father.

"Ignore him mother. He is a kid. He has recently seen his mother die in front of him." My dad tried to calm down the situation.

"Nanon?" My grandma called me. "Tell your father what you were telling me."

My father seemed tired and dull but he still gave me a smile encouraging me to speak up.

"I saw mom dying in my dream." I said.

"That is because you saw that fire accident dear. Please don't recall it. It will pain you." My dad hugged me.

"No, I saw her dying before."


"Before the accident." I said plainly.

My father was now shocked. "What did you see?"

"I had a dream about fire in the room. I dreamt about her throwing me out of the window. And I saw that the curtain rod fell on her and she burned to death screaming in pain."

My dad looked at me taken aback and then turned to his mother. "I still think he is saying all this because he witnessed it."

"Ask him what he dreamt last night then." My grandma said.

"Nanon? What did you dream about last night my dear?"

"That grandma will hit a truck and she will die."

My grandma slapped me. "Mom!" My father stopped her from slapping another time.

"Take him to a shrine" Grandma said.

"Mom, he is 5. Do you believe in what he is saying?"

"He is jinxed. If I die today, make sure to throw him out of the house."

My grandma pushed me away and walked out of the house urging my father to take us to see a shrine.


"I am sorry Mr. Korapat. When that truck ran over your mother, her ribs were crushed. We couldn't save her." The doctor said.

My dad kept staring at me.

He brought me back home and made me sit beside him. "Nanon... From now, please don't say anything bad about anybody, ok?" My dad said.

"I say what I dream of." I said wiping my tears. I loved grandma. But why was she mad at me before dying? If she hadn't left the house to go to shrine, she wouldn't have got in a car crash. Why did she go even after dad refused?

"Nanon, don't tell anyone about your dreams, ok?"

My dad tried to explain to me and I reluctantly agreed.


After a year my dad married a divorcee woman named Lita. She already had a son named Nuea who was three years older to me. Nuea and I kicked off pretty good as he completely emphthized with me. And a year after my father's remarriage, came my step-sister, Namphah in our lives.

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