Chapter Fourteen

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I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark alley tied up to a corner.

"Ungh..." I struggled trying to get myself free from the chain but it was useless.

"HELP!" I screamed but my dry throat's voice came out hoarse.

I cleared my throat and screamed yet again. "HELP ME!!! ANYBODY!!!"

I heard another voice bringing chills down my spine. "Tsk tsk... It's a waste of time and energy."

I turned to look to my side and saw a girl leaning on the wall beside me. Her face is awfully familiar. But I am unable to recall where have I seen her.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked terrified looking at the state she was in.

She looked better than me though. It seems like she was a victim like me. But how am I suddenly a victim? I recalled that I left the office after threatening Ohm to resign and was walking into the parking lot when someone started stalking me. Before I could run, something hit the back of my neck and the next thing I know is I am here in this alley.

"Does it matter who I am? I am stuck here just like you." She said with a sarcastic smile.

"How the fuck are you smiling? What is your name?" I asked still struggling with the chain.

"It will hurt your wrist, nothing more, nothing less. Relax. I'll help you. My name is Prim."

"Even your name is familiar. Where have I seen you?" I asked confused.

He chuckled sarcastically. "My own brother hasn't seen me in long time. How can you see me?"

"Wait. Are you... Prim Tanapon?" I asked her gasping.

She looked at me dumbfounded. "How do you know my name?"

"Fuck!" I stopped struggling with the chain and leaned my tired body on the ground.

"What? You are scaring me. What do you know?" Prim asked confused.

"I am Perth's friend..." She observed me for a while before her eyes turned wide.

"B-Bro..." She almost whispered.

"Look... You said you know how to get out of here?" I turned to her.

"It's difficult. But we can do it." She said still taken aback.


"There is this guy who will come to feed us tonight. He will release our hands for eating. If we two work together, we can take him down."

I nodded thinking about stopping the struggle with the chain and accumulating my energy to attack that guy later.

"For how long have you been here?" I asked her.

"6 years."

I looked at her stunned. "In this same alley?"

She just nodded.

"Nobody comes around?"

She shook her head.

"Who is the one who tied us here?"

"I don't know what she wants. But she is... weird. She has been living my identity. She calls up people in front of me saying she is Prim. And now that you are here..."

She paused and looked at me terrified. "... She must be roaming around as me?"

Prim nodded.

"What the fuck is this place?"

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