Chapter Four

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👆 I think I forgot to introduce Tie before

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👆 I think I forgot to introduce Tie before. So here he is. Attorney Tie Kob Sook.



"You are going to work with C Strategists?" Chimon asked shocked.

"Yeah... Why? Why do you seem so shocked?" I asked skeptically. It's still not too late to leave because I haven't submitted the papers yet.

"Because I was about to dump that case..." He mumbled.

"Which case?"

"The case about Euphoria Music."

I gasped.

"It's obvious that you don't know about it. You just gave an interview today. But now since you are starting to work as a court lawyer and not just a legal adviser, you will get the hang of such cases."

"I know the background of the case." I said serving rice in his plate. "The owner Mr. Chaidee has been suspected under the trafficking act for having his singers and MV models entertain the sponsors."

Chimon nodded. "And the suspicion seems to be real."

"How do you know?"

"That dream you had when you called me..." He said and I nodded recalling the gunshot at Chimon. "It came true. Luckily you saved me and one more idiot that you will be working with. If these guys were not involved in any such horrendous activities, I don't think they need to shoot people around."

"I agree... But, one sec. Idiot who?"

"Attorney Perth Tanapon!!!" Chimon literally threw his spoon in the plate for once. "He is the most... And I am not even exaggerating when I say this... THE MOST idiotic person I have ever met. In disguise of an attorney he is actually a wanna-be detective."

I chuckled at the way he is so irritated that he is speaking with his mouth stuffed. "I did not meet any such person there. But I guess he is the fourth one whose table was empty today." I said.

"Anyway. Now that you will be working there, I think I should finish the assignment." Chimon took a huge spoonful and ate it half-heartedly.

"Chimon... What were you saying about the gun shot? Are you ok?" I asked concerned.

Chimon chuckled. "If you had called even a minute later, one of us would have got shot. But luckily as soon as you called, I jumped and saved the both of us."

"You mean that guy named Perth?"


I pressed my lips. "Thank you for believing in me."

Chimon rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me? Your forewarnings are what usually save us. The ones who don't believe in it are actually stupid. Including your immediate family."

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