Chapter Six

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[So you think that elevator did not fall on its own?] Ohm asked on call.

I looked at Nanon who was listening to it on speaker. He nodded for me to respond.

"Yeah... I mean I know it's your brother's company. But we already suspect that someone from there works with IDOLL and they would not like that we win this case." I said.

[Yeah... I mean... It does make sense.] He said. I looked at Nanon who in turn looked worried.

"No offense to your family. It can be anyone from the organization..." I said trying to convey what Nanon gestured. "Ok then I'll be going for the investigation in the meadows in some time." I said immediately changing the topic as I am very uncomfortable beating around the bush.

[Good luck!] Ohm wished and then I disconnected.

"What did you see Non?" I asked immediately after disconnecting.

"I don't know. This is very weird. I just saw someone instructing a serviceman to malfunction the elevator when Tie and Ohm were about to get in."

"When did you see it?"

"When I was in office. You know that I see visions now with my eyes open now. I don't need to sleep to see visions about that dragon bracelet guy."

"Tie..." I corrected him. "Why are you still calling him dragon bracelet guy?"

Nanon seemed to get into some serious thinking.


"I don't know. I feel like Tie is not the guy."

"You mean there are more people out there with the same bracelet?" I asked confused. "But wait. You saw the vision regarding him. You saw it for what happened yesterday." I asked.

Nanon took a while biting his lips. "In my vision, the guy..."

"What?" What is he saying? What is happening with him? Sometimes Nanon just decides to not open up about anything. Until it starts to physically and mentally bother him. But I never push him for saying anything out.

He has this hunch that sometimes if he talks out loud about his premonitions, whatever was about to happen, happens before he can prevent it somehow.

"Chimon, let's just sleep for today. I am tired." He said as expected.

I nodded and gave him a brief smile before he stormed into his room.

I cleaned the table and did the dishes before moving to my room.

As I opened my laptop, as a habit I logged into The Legends of Thorn's Village.


Chimed my laptop as I got a notification that DoomsDevil accepted my teaming request.

I smiled and immediately checked his profile.

"Wow! Ohm sure does have much higher skillset than I do." I mumbled excited to be teamed up with someone who is 10 levels above me.

I opened the direct message window and saw him online and immediately texted him.

SavageSlay: Dude, what are your skillsets!!! I am already your fan!

DoomsDevil: Do you by chance have a split personality disorder?

Huh? What kind of question is this?

SavageSlay: What do you mean?

DoomsDevil: You don't talk like that face to face.

I chuckled.

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