Chapter Twenty Four

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"His condition is normal physically. I think he has some psychological trauma." The doctor said. "Has anything major happened in his life recently?"

I turned to look at Nanon lying in the bed unconscious. "He... broke up recently."

The doctor nodded. "Well, I have given him pain killers. But psychological problems are better dealt with proper communication and closure. There are no medicines for it." He said getting up and handing me the prescription.

I bowed and walked him out. When I came back I saw Aunt Lita on his bedside gently caressing his head.

When she saw me she got up and walked to me.

"Chimon... Was he in a relationship?" She asked me.

I gulped and nodded. "They broke up a month ago."

"But if he is suffering so much, can they not talk?" She asked.

"I can't decide for Nanon." I said sternly. "Although I am well aware about why he broke up, but I am not sure if his reasons are right."

I regretted not standing up by Ohm's side a few days later after we calmed down. Perth and I could have fought a bit on this topic, but I apologized to him immediately after realizing my mistake.

Namphah is still in shock whenever she talks about that time when she was kidnapped.

She says that despite being in danger in IDOLL, she was never so much scared for her life as she was in those three days.

Although, this incident brought Nanon closer to his home, his father, his step mother and Namphah, but I know how he is lifeless every day. I don't know why he is fighting with himself daily.

His insecurity about Jun ate up his head long back. But after that, when Ohm left him alone on that planet to search for his pendant, that was last blow on Nanon's heart.

He has always lost whoever he loved. His insecurities are rooted in his mind deeply and unfortunately Ohm's mention about Venus and Jun always made him feel dejected.

If Nanon is Jun, I hope he recalls his memories of past a bit. That way, he will be sure that he is Jun and Ohm loves him.

I am worried about Nanon while I don't even know how Ohm is. Perth always said that he has lost contact from him. If only I could bring Nanon in front of Ohm again.

Aunt Lita held me from my shoulder bringing me out of my thought chain. "We will be returning to our place today. Ae is alone there and his health is also not good. Do you want us to bring Nanon with us?"

I shook my head. "No aunty. I will take care of him here." There is no way that I can let Aunt know about Nanon and Ohm's relationship. She is so superstitious, maybe she will again distance herself from Nanon.

She slowly nodded and turned to Namphah who was sitting on the other side of the bed holding Nanon's hand.

"Shall we go?" She asked.

"Mom, you go and start packing. I'll be out in a minute." She said strangely looking at me.

Aunty nodded and smiled at me briefly before leaving the room.

"Are you ok?" I asked her after a moment.

She hesitated for a moment before getting up. "I recalled everything with calm mind." She shuddered.

I can understand how terrifying it is for her to recall it all.

I held her from her shoulder before pulling her into a hug. "It's ok... You shouldn't talk about it if it bothers you."

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