Chapter One

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"This deal is going to result in loss." I said without even have to think about the premonition I got. The bid figures itself will result in more loss than profit.

"Your work is to check the legal concerns, Attorney Korapat." Mr. Vasu emphasized with a grimace.

"From a legal point of view too Mr. Vasu, you will have to file a penalty if you get caught."

"Attorney Korapat, I always thought of you to be a bright lawyer. But why is it like you always disappoint me?"

"Sir, we have been sued by Sumel Manufacturers for a fraudulent bid on materials." Mr. Vasu's assistant barged into the cabin.

Mr. Vasu looked at me for a moment and then he smirked. "Attorney Korapat, why do I feel like you have a hand in this?"

"What?" I asked shocked.

"You knew about the fraud and you were able to point it out to me while Sumel's lawyer gave it a go in the first signing date."

"He must have overlooked it in first go. But did he not ask for time before signing?" I countered.

"Were you not chitchatting with him in the parking the other day?" The assistant said.

"I can't believe it. Are you doubting me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, I have all the reasons to." Mr. Vasu said.

"Fine then. I resign. There is no point in working with the people who don't trust you." I snapped the file on table and started to walk out keeping my id card aside.

"Not so fast Attorney. You will pay the penalty on our behalf. Since you are the one who messed it up." Mr. Vasu said in a walking tone while his assistant stopped my way.

I smirked. "Mr. Vasu. I am leaving my job. That doesn't mean I am leaving my degree. I am still an attorney. And tricking a lawyer is not as simple as tricking your wife while having an affair." I specifically passed a comment to Mr. Vasu. "The contract you prepared was having flaws. I haven't stamped on approving it. And so I am not responsible for the losses you face because of your own greed. But I will make sure to sue you for trying to get me tangled in your company mess." I warned.


"Yes... That's the name! So don't you dare mess with me." I grimaced and walked out of the cabin pushing aside the stupid assistant blocking my way.


[It's actually great that you got rid of that company. I always thought your boss was unnecessarily greedy.] Chimon said while I was walking on the way to the parking.

"Believe me. I wouldn't have stayed for too long if the pay wasn't good." I said.

[Good riddance. Anyways, I have a favor to ask.]

"I am not playing your game on your behalf." I snapped getting into the car.

[Pleeease Non... They will disqualify me from the tournament.]

"I don't know how to play. You will anyway be disqualified if I am unable to score."

[Today's is just a friendly match. Please Non. I have a very important lead to follow.]

"I just lost my job."

[No, you resigned. Noooon, I'll buy you your favorite soup tonight. So please do me a favor?]

"Fiiiine! Stop sucking up to me."

[Yay! Thanks.] He immediately disconnected.

"Wow! Heights of being selfish!" I mumbled giggling and drove to home.

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