Chapter Sixteen

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"Where are you going?" Chimon asked me as soon as I was about to start the car. I did not know when he came out and stood beside the window.

"Chimon, I saw a dream. Tu is about to fall a cliff." I tried to explain. "I am going to meet her."

"What if she falls off before you reach?" He said. I looked at him dumbfounded. "We need to be somewhere even more important. Perth's sister is at Ohm's mother's house."

I gaped at him. "What?"

"I too don't know. Wait." He took out his phone and dialed Tu's number. "Hey Tu. How are you?... Listen... It's just a hunch. I am seeing many accidents happening today. Try not to leave the house... Yeah. And Nanon might won't be able to come. Yes, I have to bring him somewhere important... Yes. Take care. Bye." He turned to me. "Solved?"

"What did she say? And why didn't you ask her to come with us?" I asked confused. Chimon seemed to be not worried about Tu at all. This is so unlike him.

"Because it's not Tu."


"Tu is with Prim and her phone is not with her."

"Then, who..."

Chimon held up his hand like gesturing me to stop from speaking and ran back into the house.

I leaned back into the seat taking a deep breath. I am not sure what all is happening with and around me. Everything and everyone is behaving weirdly.

And no matter how much I try, I am not able to shake off the image of Ohm from my mind. It is making me feel very weird in the pit of my stomach. Weird that I he is absent after that. Why did he go away.

I closed my eyes and recalled his words. Everything that he said to me seemed like something that he was announcing to the world or even someone above the world.

It was so pure yet so unreal for me.

I hurriedly took out my phone and checked if he has replied to any of my message. But no. Nothing. The message seemed to be undelivered too.

I wonder where he is. I wonder if he is ok. I wonder if he had other set of clothes to wear after his clothes were burnt. I wonder what will happen if anybody else except for me would have seen it.

If it is magical or mythical, then does it mean that only I could see it? But it seemed real. I could feel the heat and wind around me.

I sighed keeping the phone aside and closed my eyes again. Tie disappeared, Tu is with Prim and someone else was talking to me pretending to be Tu? I am so shaken from within that I don't know what to do.

I wish, Ohm was here. No matter how scared I am after what I saw, I still wish for Ohm to be here. My phone beeped and I saw a message in The Legend of Thorn Village game.

I opened it to see it was from HumbleSword.

[Hi, how are you?]

I really don't want to talk to anyone right now. But till the time I wait for Chimon to come, I guess it doesn't harm to respond. Besides this game friend of mine has accompanied me every time I had nothing else to do. 'I am doing ok. How are you?'

[Why just ok?] He asked ignoring my question.

It is said that strangers are better than our friends in order to share something. Because they don't judge you based on any bias.

'Let's just say, I am shocked by someone who is not what I expected them to be.'

There was a long pause when I saw that HumbleSword kept typing and deleting something.

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