Chapter Nineteen

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*** Changed Cover. Need Reviews. 🙃

Also I am working with a few proof readers. Meanwhile, please feel free to point out any grammar /spelling mistakes you find.


Ohm pulled me with him to a green patch land filled with flowers.

I gaped at the site around me. It was beautiful. The trees, the flowers, the shape of everything was a bit different but not too much as to feel like we are not on Earth.

"Nanon, you know, we used to spend time here almost every day." Ohm said lying down on the grass and patting beside him for me to sit.

I turned to him and pressed my lips. "You mean, you and Jun." I said.

I am still not able to recall anything. It is hard for me to believe I am Jun. Even if everybody claimed for me to be Jun, even if I get a few memories of Neak, I am not able to relate with Jun. Like how I see many people in my dreams and visions, what if this Jun is one of them?

And what if Ohm is in love with Jun and not me? If someday by chance it is proved that I am not Jun, then what will happen? Will he leave me on Earth to stay here on this planet with Jun?

After everything that I have seen, after all that I have felt for him, I love Ohm to death now. I cannot be without him.

A hand wrapped around me from behind startling me. Ohm nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck. "What are you thinking?"

I gulped my insecurities aside and wrapped my hands around his hands. "First you tell me what are you thinking." I rubbed the back of my head against his head.

He smiled and kissed my cheek making me feel goosebumps. "I am thinking, how being Neak, I wasn't able to tell you or show you how much I love you." He said and kissed my ear.

I opened my eyes and looked around. It was getting pretty dark and the pace was lit with fireflies only. There was no way anyone could see us. But I was still worried because Ohm's body was feeling warm against mine making me feel things.

"Ohm, someone will come see us." I whispered.

He chuckled in his throat lightly still holding on to me. "So you are only worried about that right?"

I blushed. "Ohm..."

"Shhh... Nobody will be able to see us. Everyone is busy with Belle giving them tour of the place. And besides..." Ohm made me turn to him. "This is our place. Nobody ever came here ever apart from you, me and sometimes Belle to call you."

Ohm pressed his lips and narrowed his eyes thinking about something for a moment before smiling at me. "You know? As just a dragon, I had no way to communicate apart from gestures. Also, you were this tiny for me to be able to show any more gesture than nudging my head near you." He chuckled and I smiled recalling how cute he was just a few moments ago when he nudged his head towards me near that mountain. People would fear him if they saw him, but I fell for him more.

When he saw me smiling, he leaned closer to me. I could see his eyes lit up with something more than just warmth. He held my face in his palms and kissed my forehead. His warm breath brushed my hair and I felt a tingling sensation within me.

"I can now talk to you..." He kissed my cheek. "I can kiss you..." He kissed my nose. "I can show the kind of love that I wasn't able to show earlier..." He smiled at me leaning closer to my lips.

I was feeling so weak in knees that I would fall right now if he wouldn't hold me.

I closed my eyes allowing him to proceed but when he did not move for some time I opened my eyes to meet his. His eyes were right now sparkling red.

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