Side Story - Final Part

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"Tim, why are you droopy?" Jun asked the white dragon who seemed sulky in the corner.

Since the time Tim arrived on Venus, all the dragons accepted her happily. But she seemed to show more interest in hanging around Jun more.

This made Neak a bit angry and he distanced himself from Tim.

Other dragons too followed the lead because they were used to blindly follow Neak.

But Jun did not like it. He wanted everyone to be happy and friendly.

So when he saw Tim being sad, he followed her into the Meadows alone.

In between he started getting weird visuals of a mongoose like creature laughing at him crookedly. He decided to think about it later after consoling Tim.

Tim looked at Jun and huffed showing her annoyance and sadness to Jun.

Jun instead patted her head. "I will ask Neak to behave ok? Don't worry." Jun said.

But just as he was about to take his hand back, a group of eagles surrounded the meadows.

"Wow. What are those creatures?" Jun wondered having never seen them before.

Suddenly, Tim held Jun in her claws and flew up high in the air.

Jun smiled. "Why are we flying? We don't know if those creatures are harmful." Jun said.

But then he saw that Tim wasn't stopping in front of eagles. In fact, the flying eagles made way for her to fly high.

"Where are we going Tim?"

The white dragon started changing its form. Jun was dumbfounded and stuck in her grasp.

When the entire transformation was done, Jun saw Tim in a form of large mongoose. A flying mongoose who looked so wicked and weird that Jun suddenly felt scared. It was exactly what he has visualized.

"I am taking you away from here Jun. You will be my slave from now." Tim suddenly had the power to send a telepathic message to Jun.

Jun was now trembling with fear.

"Neak!" Jun called out loud but he wasn't sure if Neak could hear him.

"NEAK!" Jun screamed louder.

Tim just laughed in mind and kept flying while Jun saw that three huge dragons were flying in their direction.

The group of flying eagles got bigger in size and attacked them.

"NEAK! CAREFUL!" He screamed when a large eagle who couldn't match the size of Neak still managed to hurt his eye and make him fall.

Jun started punching the ichneumon but the little boy's punches had no effect on the large animal.

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Because you have the power that I need. You will be able to help me win the world."

"I will never help you!" Jun screamed.

The war between eagles and dragons continued. Even of dragons were huge and fierce, the magical eagles were fast and had magical powers of disappearing and appearing in thin air.

"JUN!" Belle came out running when she saw her son being taken away.

She saw Neak on ground trying to rub his eyes and see. So she ran to him to help him while screaming. "DRAKE! MARIO! ONE OF YOU PEASE HELP JUN!" She commanded.

One of the eagles attacked Belle before she could reach Neak.

Her scream made Neak get up ignoring his bleeding eye. A large eagle again pounced on Neak.

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