Chapter Eighteen

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"What will we do now? Jun and Neak are still together." Nine said annoyed.

I gritted my teeth while trying to convert myself into my original form. But on this planet, I need human energy to be able to do so.

Now that my prisoners have run away, I will need some new energy. "Get me a human." I said ignoring Nine's rambling.

"Are you crazy? My powers are running out too." Nine snapped.

"Useless!" I mumbled and threw the paperweight on Nine's head.

"Bitch!" He cursed when it hit him.

I picked up my phone from the table beside me and checked the profiles of people who can be beneficial to me along with their human energy.

Because when I absorb the energy, I take their form too.

Being a female, it is difficult to take form of a male. So I looked at all the women who are near Neak and Jun... I mean... Ohm and Nanon in this world.

And one profile caught my eye. I smirked and dialed a number immediately.

"I am sending you one picture. Get me all information about her."

"Who is it this time?" Nine asked confused.

"Mind your business, dog!"

"I am an eagle, bitch." He cursed and walked out of the house.

I turned to look at the pendant shining in the corner. It hasn't calmed down since Ohm realized he is Neak.

It's a constant reminder for me to up my game. I need to reach Nanon before he Neak finds this back.

Because this accumulates the real power that almighty had provided him. Without this he will never be able to beat me. And without this, I will not be able to control the army or majestic eagles and vultures who are indirect decedents of those flying lizards.

If only Nine knew that his ancestors were devoted to almighty, he will never be by my side.

My phone rang and I picked it up immediately. What I heard made me so happy. This is exactly what I was looking for.

I walked out of the house only to find Nine smoking.

"Cheer up. We have found the energy we needed." I smirked at him.

"For you. What about me?"

"We found him."

Nine threw the cigarette bud and walked close to me. "For real?"

I simply smiled at him and he smiled back.


We drove to the location specified by my informer. I was in search of this person for a long time.

The person lying on the ground with no strength left in him looked up dully at us. His eyes widened looking at me.

"Wow! I thought you ran away." Nine said walking closer to him.

"P-Please give me back my daughter." He trembled with tears.

"Tie, your daughter has been sold off." I laughed. "You made a mistake of running away from us. You made us think that you are dead and we threw you in water. But have you forgotten that I have my ways to keep track of my preys?" I said.

"You know where she is. Right?" He hissed.

I chuckled. "I must commend on your bravery in this condition." Then slapped him across his face.

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