Chapter Ten

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"You are on suspension. Are you sure about this?" Perth asked me as we were getting into the window of an abandoned building apartment.

"That's how I roll it." I winked at him.

"D-don't wink at me." Perth said looking away.

I chuckled. "Why? Are you flustered by any chance?"

"Bullshit!" he frowned scratching his head.

I shook my head laughing. He is like a kid at times. But I am glad for his help. I couldn't have been able to drive.

I can't back out now. This is about Nanon's safety. Someone had the audacity to get into my house and plant a transmitter. Now if I take this lightly, then it may escalate to a level I will regret later.

As we entered, the first thing we observed was that the house was empty.

"Empty as expected." Perth said looking around with his phone torch light on.

"Yeah but let's see if we can find anything that can give a hint." I said and kept looking.

And then, I found a switchboard.

"Are you stupid? Why did you switch on the lights?" Perth whisper yelled at me.

"Doesn't matter. Can't you see? Nobody's is around." I shrugged.

We started looking around two different rooms. It was very obvious that someone was staying here recently. Maybe my message made them move away.

I found a comb. "Long hair?" I mumbled looking at it and the first thing I did was wear my gloves and take out a bag to keep the evidence. The hair will be useful information.

No matter how much a criminal tries to hide the evidences, they always make some silly mistakes.

I was about to open the cupboard when Perth called. "Chimon... Come here real-quick."

I ran to the other room where he was checking. But he wasn't there.

"Perth?" I called him out.

"I am here." I heard his voice from below the window. I ran to check it and to my horror, there was a crib thrown below the window. And a few disposable diapers along with some baby necessities.

As we were on ground floor, I jumped out of the window and looked around. "What the hell is happening? Was there a baby here?"

"I guess. So many baby necessities are there." Perth scratched his head.

"Then maybe the hair is of the mother?" I muttered.

"What?" Perth asked.

I am as puzzled as he is. "Let's gather as many evidences as we can from here. We will need to get to the root of this."

"A woman with a kid is after Nanon? Did he have an extra marital affair?" Perth asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you done justifying your stupidity?" I asked.

"I was just thinking out loud. Well may be I am wrong. But think about it. That pink faced dimpled guy is actually adorable. Even our boss is crazy for him."

"Ohm?" I asked raising my eyebrows. If that's the case, then maybe Nanon won't have to try and win him over.

"Yeah... He seems to take a special interest in him. Also Tie, for that matter."

"Wait a minute..." I stopped and turned to look at Perth blankly.

"What?" He asked confused while climbing the window back.

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