Chapter Seven

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Lean body, pale face, round dimples, sweet smile and a very simple personality. Just like him. The one I loved. That's what made me feel drawn towards Nanon.

But that was not the only reason why I was crazily trying to get along with him. If it were me and my own self, I would have taken it slow. Tried to know him better. Given him time to know me better.

But right now time is what I am lacking. Right now I have someone to protect. Someone whom I love more than anyone in this whole world. For whom I can do anything.

[It seems you don't love your daughter anymore?] The voice from the other side made my hands tremble.

"You fucking bitch!" I gritted my teeth.

[Shhh... Quiet! She is sleeping. It was so difficult for me to put a 1-year-old to sleep you know?]

"I tried..." I sighed. "But you can't control whom someone likes."

[Ow... Guess you have been always unlucky in love? Hahahaha]

"At least I am better than you to know how to love." I senseless tried playing with fire.

[Who says I don't know how to love. I love your daughter here.]

I took a deep breath. This woman is crazy and can go to any lows to achieve what she wants. It's better to calm myself and my anger.

My life was so cool before. I was good at my job and was proud of it. Before I met Ram. I fell in love with him at first sight. But after getting along with him, I was very sure that he is straight and can never feel the same way for me.

So I decided to stick with him as a friend.

Love... It's such a stupid emotion that makes you do weird shit. But I was in love. And so I was stupid.

One day he told me he was getting married because his girlfriend was pregnant and he wanted to take responsibility.

And that's when my feelings overpowered my sensibility.

Being a criminal lawyer makes you so used to thinking as a criminal that you knowingly-unknowingly adapt criminology as your religion.

[You love this child... don't you?]


[But will this child love you back if she knew who her real father was and what you did to him?]

"..." The urge to shoot your target in the head or use the knife to stab them is something neophytes will do.

Real criminals know how to use their skills such that no evidences are left.

[I am giving you more time... But remember... you don't have forever...]

The laughter I heard from the other side was making me tremble. Not with fear but with urge to silent that voice forever and trap it in my head as a reminder of the most stupid thing I had done in my life... Love...

The phone disconnected. And I looked at the phone screen blankly for a while.

No matter what people say, she is my daughter. And if Nanon is the way to reach her... I have no choice but to choose that path.



When I reached the police headquarters, Ohm and Nanon were already inside with Chimon. Ohm waved at me when I walked in.

Tu followed me behind.

"Are the reports out?" I asked.

"Not yet." Ohm said but he looked worried.

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