Chapter Two

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"The next time you decide to sign a fraud deal, make sure to stay away from parking lots. The dash cams can do wonders, Mr. Phob." I bowed to the judge before submitting the artifacts.

Mr. Phob glared at me while his attorney Miss Ning was ready to chew me out. I rolled my eyes and took out a gum to chew. Perth punched me in the shoulder from behind. "We are still in the court." He whispered.

"No one would know." I whispered back.

Perth shook his head and grimaced. Tu on the other hand was busy with her files and papers as usual.

"Looking at all the evidences submitted and taking into considerations the statements confirmed by the witnesses, I hereby announce this deal to be fraudulent and sentence Mr. Phob to refund the advance taken from JVB Associates. Mr. Phob also need to provide them a penalty of the demanded amount on account of loss to their goodwill. And Mr. Phob's agency license is also confiscated for all future deals without a third party monitoring involved. The court is adjourned for the day."

We all stood up and bowed to the judge when he left. Mr. Phob glared at me and then turned angrily to Miss Ning and started yelling at her.

"Ning sure is having a bad month." Perth said with a smirk.

"She brought it up on herself." Tu replied while packing the papers. "Firstly, she ditched us for better pay which she did not get in Lawson. And in a row she took two cases knowing very well that her client was at fault." Tu looked at her former friend Ning plainly who was now narrowing her eyes at us.

She used to work for me. Being classmates and a few of the top students but with a rebellious mentality, I decided to hire these guys in my newly established law firm when I started.

Perth and Tu are my friends since the first day of law school enrollment. And then we had Ning and Tie from class.

I belong to a family that owns a Media company named Galaxy Hunters. My father started it and now my elder brother Toey handles it. He also married out of work with a super-model named Chippy.

Now they both run the organization. My mother stays back in village in a huge bungalow with her sister as she doesn't like the life of the city. Also, because she doesn't like Chippy. My mother and her sister run a farm there and in today's date, she earns better than both her sons.

But she divorced my father long back and our father brought us up, so we have nothing to give or take from her. Also, Toey was always dad's favorite while I was mom's favorite. And that remains as is. So I go and meet her at least once a year and stay with her for a few days. Not because I expect anything from her. In fact, as a lawyer I made her sign a will that after aunt and her, the farm and bungalow will belong to the NGO that my grandpa started and my mother manages.

Well, I am not a fan of Chippy either, but being part of same family, we meet very frequently. Chippy suffered a miscarriage two years back when I won a case against my own brother's company. One of the artist manager has attempted to rape an artist and I proved it right resulting in huge loss to Galaxy Hunters. Chippy got depressed and suffered a miscarriage, so says the sources. While my internal sources say that she herself went for abortion.

I was not interested in media and glam world and always had a passion for law. So when dad died and his property was to be divided, I gave away the company entirely to Toey and in turn, took the money myself. Chippy wasn't very pleased about it. But who cares.

I used the money to buy myself a decent apartment and an office space along with capitalizing for my law firm. C Strategists. C for Cool, C for Cocky, C for Classy, C for Criminology and C for Can't be bothered with anything but our principles. Perth is cocky. Tu is classy, Tie is the master of criminology and Ning was once cool before she left us of course. And I am... well I am a combination all this with a bit of strategical understanding of when to do what.

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