Chapter Eleven

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I am sure this is the location that Chimon traced from Nanon's mobile.

I tried calling Nanon once again, but still no one is picking up.

It is strange though. Why is Nanon's phone still traceable? Usually people don't do this if they want to kill someone.

Maybe it fell somewhere. Or...

I quickly called Chimon.

[Did you find him?] He asked me immediately as he picked up.

"Maybe this is a trap..."

[... Then do you think you should get out of there?]

"No. I should go in and see who exactly is trying to mess with us. Besides we haven't found Nanon yet. Any news of Nanon?"

[No. Perth and I came out to search for him near your location. This is also near to IDOLL's main office. I wonder they have anything to do with this?]

"We will figure it out soon. Ok now I am going in. Stay on alert. I'll call you."

[Just... don't be rash. Keep it cool, Ohm.] I heard Perth from behind.

"Yup." I replied before disconnecting and parked my car. I walked out looking around but apart from dark abandoned building, I couldn't see anything.

I cannot leave yet. Until I find Nanon, I cannot leave.

My phone buzzed and I immediately took it out. To my utmost horror, I received a message in TLOTV from DeadHeart.

[Hey HumbleSword. Long time. Are you free to play?]

What the...? Is this a trap? I massaged my temple once to calm down. I need to figure it out properly.

'Hey. I thought you stopped playing.'

[Kind of yes. But today I am bored.]

'Bored? Why? Is there no one around?'

[No. I left my phone in office by mistake. And there is no one at home. So I am playing to pass my time.]

I gaped at my phone. So someone did place a trap for us? One second. Did he say he left his phone in the office?

Before I could call Chimon, someone patted my shoulder and I turned to see Tie glaring at me.


His expressions were not the usual ones. He was looking at me like he could kill me any second. I took a step back. Although I heard about it a few hours ago, but it was still too much for me to grasp.

"What are you doing here Pawat?" he asked me in a cold tone.

I contained myself. Took a deep breath and smirked. "I should be asking you the same thing."

He rolled his eyes and massaged his temple once. "I never wanted to see you this way. You know it now. Don't you?"

"I know a lot of things, yes. But one thing is there that you know as well. I don't like wasting my time." I said in a cold tone now.

He smiled then grinned and then started laughing hard. "The fuck!!! Did Chimon send you?" he started walking trying to circle me.

"Were you waiting for him?" I circled back walking in the same circular direction.

He laughed yet again. "You all are making me the bad guy now."

"Tie..." I stopped and asked him. "Tell me honestly. What's going on? Why is Nanon's phone with you?"

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