🍁~The First Day~🍁

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The squad was pushed through the portal. Landing on the wet grass.

Luz ran back up to the door, flinging it open.

To her despaired when opened, it led to a sad broken-down house.  Luz turned back around to face everyone. Her blank stare pierced through everyone. Gus fell to his knees, sobbing. Luz stumbled blindly. towards the forest. Not saying a word. 

"Luz?" Amity whimpered. The rain drenching her hair.

Luz didn't look back, she just kept walking.

"Come on Gus." Willow stood up. Grabbing Gus's hand and pulling him up. Hunter couldn't help but admire the captain. She was strong and pretty and kind and caring. But why did it feel like his stomach was jumping? What was wrong with him? 

Slowly everyone stumbled after Luz in the rain. Hunter had grabbed onto Gus's hand. And was guiding him along. They soon reached houses that were lighting up the dirt paved roads.

Luz seemed to know where she was going. So, they all trusted her to lead them. After a bit more walking past houses, Luz stalked up the paved path that led to the door of a house. Knocking serval times, she staired at the door with no showing emotions.

A lady that resembled luz opened the door. She staired at the kids in stunned silence.

"Hey mom. I'm back." Luz opened her hands letting a few tears well in her eyes. The lady (Probably Luz's mom) Dashed at Luz for a hug, letting tears fall on her daughter's cloths.

That night Camila (The lady that was at the door. Or luz's mom) Had showed us where we were assigned to sleep. Gus slept on the living room couch. Amity slept with Luz in her bed. And in the guest room Hunter slept in a sleeping bag. And Willow slept in the guest room's bed. They had met a basilisk that lived at Luz's house. her name was Vee. Hunter was still suspicious of her.

Hunter woke up at 4:00am That's what time he always woke up for missions. But no one was awake yet. So, he quietly walked over to what Luz called a Fridge And searched for a snack.

In the fridge he saw a small container that said. Cream cheese. He grabbed the case from in the fridge. Opening it to see what was inside. A block of white was inside. Was it edible? Well, He might as well find out. 

Hunter grabbed a spoonful of the white block, Sticking it in his mouth. IT TASTED AMAZING!

Hunter preceded to eat the entire container with no hesitation. For around three hours Hunter staired off into space. Wondering what had happened the night before.

"Hey Hunter!" Luz yawned as she walked out of her bedroom with Vee. Hunter was sitting on the floor. Peering at the sleeping Gus.

"Oh, I have to get ready for school!" Vee jumped at the realization.

"I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!" Gus suddenly jolted from the couch. Running over to Vee.

"Well? Maybe we could sigh you up." Vee offered flinching at how close Gus was.

"Can I go?" Amity trotted up from behind Luz. Hugging her.

"I'll ask Camila if we can sigh you up. But when are your goanna go back to the Deam realm?"

"I don't know. But I really want to learn about human's" Gus smiled stepping a few steps away from Vee.

"You guys Hungry?" Amity inquired, yawing.

"I'm good. I had some Cream cheese." Hunter smiled brightly at the confused Amity.

"How much of it did you eat!" Luz's eyes went wide staring at Hunter in confusion.

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