🎉Bonus chapter!!🎊

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(you don't have to read, not important to the plot)

Quick Bonus!! :3

"NOPE! NOPE! I DIDN'T JUST SEE MY BESTFRIEND MAKING HICKYS ON MY BROTHER!" Luz hastily ran upstairs, bursting into the living room in a laughing fit.

"What?" Gus turned around from the couch, looking at Luz very confused.

"Whatever you do, don't go to the basement!" Luz could barely be heard over her hysterics.

"I'm going to the basement!" Gus scoured off, towards the stairs.

"That poor boy!" Luz chuckled, calming herself down.

"Why shouldn't we go downstairs?" Vee questioned, a tilt to her head. 

"Willow and Hunter are, 'going at it'."  Luz wheezed.

"WHAT!" Amity was in shock.

"No! Wrong idea. They're just making out." Luz took a deep breath, steading her words. 

"NOPE NOPE! TITAIN, I WANT TO DIE!" Gus came crashing onto the floor, and Luz started up her laughing fit once more. 

"Luz wasn't joking!" Gus cried, shoving his face in a pillow.

"It's okay, you'll only remember that anytime you go to look at one of them." Amity soothed, patting the top of the distressed boys face. 

"SHUT UP!" Gus wailed, kicking his legs.

"You guys want me to order some food, clearly Willow isn't going to have time to make dinner. And Mama is taking a nap." Luz pulled out her phone.

"Yeah." Vee nodded her head."

"That sounds good batata." Amity beamed, resting her dizzy head on a pillow.

30 minutes later.

"Hey Hunter, your just in time. The food just got here!" Vee smiled.

"Luz decided you would want a happy meal." (They got McDonalds) 

"I eat Un happy meals now, thank you very much!" Hunter burst out laughing with vee, at his own joke. 

Everyone took a seat at the table, munching on their fast food. 

"Where's Willow?" Vee tilted her head.

"Oh, she's asleep downstairs." Hunter face grew ever so slightly pink.

Luz was staring with narrowed eyes at Hunter, and the blonde flustered boy was just trying to pretend Luz hadn't seen them eelier. 

"So, Hunter." Luz tapped her fingers against the wooden chair. 

Hunter ever so slightly choaked on his French fries. 

"What were you up to in the basement?" Luz had a smug expression layed across her face. 

Hunter saw Gus's face hit the table, along with Amity starting to giggle a bit.

"Erm... Nothing." Hunter took a sip of water, trying his best not to look to suspicious.

"So, if I look at your neck, nothing would be on it?" 

"Look!" Hunter had put on some of Amity's concealer, it matched his skin better. And hid all his hickeys. 

"So, you won't mind if I do this?"

Luz grabbed her cup of Coke and threw it onto Hunter. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Hunter roared, chucking his water. And Gus's orange juice at Luz. 


"IT'S NOT A CRIME! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Hunter swore, Luz was the most annoying sister to face the earth, now Vee. Vee was a great sister. Half the time.

"BRO IS A SIMP!" Luz cackled, leaning so far back on her chair, she fell off.

"I SWEAR TO TITAIN! I'M GOING TO MESS YOU UP!" Hunter jumped at Luz. Batting at her face.

"MIJA! STOP ANTAGINISING YOUR BROTHER!" Camila came storming into the room, dragging her orange juice coated daughter into the bathroom.

"Aw, I wanted to drink that." Gus frowned, shaking his head. 

🌼Here's a mini chapter for you! Hope you liked it. Should I do more of these, like little canon one shots that don't affect the plot? Have a great rest of your day or night lovleys!! <333🌻

~597 words~

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