🌺The obsessive friend🌺

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WARNING: Consent and boundaries and pushed really far in this story. If you feel uncomfortable with the topic, I suggest you skip this story.

"Are you two new kids a couple?" A kid with short brown hair that was split died pink staired at Hunter, surprised at him shouting.

"NO!" Hunter and Willow almost yelled out simultaneously. Blushing, once more his stomach fluttered. WHY WAS THIS HAPPNING!?! WAS HE UNDER A CURSE!?! WAS HE GONNA DIE!?!?

"Anyways. My name is Cassiopeia. Call me Cassi." The girl smiled sticking her hand out to prompt a handshake from Willow.

"I'm Willow! Nice to meet you." Willow smiled brightly at Cassiopeia.

"I'm Hunter." Hunter flatly stared at Cassiopeia. Not wanting to shake her hand. She'd probably ask why he always wore gloves, just like everyone else.

"Stop your chit chat and Lisen up." A mean looking teacher came in. Her hair was long almost reaching her ankles. It was blonde and looked like sad beach sand (That's an insult.)

"Take a paper and pass it back. Get into groups of three." The stern looking lady had a name tag on it said. "Mrs. Waybright."

"Why don't we all group up!" Willow suggested handing a paper back over to Cassiopeia.

"I don't see why not." Cassie shrugged pushing her chair to sit next to Willow and Hunter.


The bell let out a short and simple ring. Still, when Hunter heard it. It seemed as if he had a miny panic attack.

"You alright Hunter?" Cassiopeia reached over and grabbed Hunter's shoulder. Hunter eyes snaped back over to Willow and Cassie.

"I'm fine." Hunter muttered gathering his stuff. To Willow he didn't look fine. Quietly without waiting he fled out of the room.

"What's up with him?" Cassiopeia reached for her notebook and collection of erasers she had, Stuffing them in her bookbag.

"He can be a bit strange sometimes." Willow shrugged, putting her tote bag that she used as a backpack back across her shoulder.

"Wanna sit with me and my other friends at lunch?" Willow offered as she stepped out of the room. Cassie coming up to her left side.

"I'd love to, but I promised my friend I sit with her." Cassiopeia smiled at Willow as she nodded back in understanding.

"May I ask your friends name?" 

"Brooklynn." Cassie blushed as she said the name.

"Oh. Her." Willow rolled her eyes sighing. Confusing Cassie. They walked the rest of the way to the cafeteria in silence.

"See you later Willow!" Cassiopeia ran off towards another table. Lunch pail in hand.

Willow decided she really didn't want to eat in the loud and crowded cafeteria. Setting off for a small tree she saw well walking in the building. Sitting down in the shade of the large tree was calming. Opening the lunch Camila had put up for her made Willow smile.

A cucumber and tomato sandwich with an olive smiley face. Some crackers and a couple grapes, along with a miny cholate heart.

"Willow!" Luz and Amity came prancing over to Willow.

Luz had a lunch box in the shape of a cat. While Amity had nothing?

"Where your lunch?" Willow prompted as the pair sat in a circle around her.

"I decided to get a school lunch. But it tasted like shit." Amity hissed recoiling as she remembered the taste.

"I'm sure me and Luz can share some of our lunch." Willow grabbed a few of her crackers and half of her sandwich handing it on a napkin to Amity.

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