🌊Breathing Under Waves💀

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🌼Hey Lovleys! This is what the hotel looks like for reference. I hope you enjoy this story! Have a fun time reading! 🌻

 I hope you enjoy this story! Have a fun time reading! 🌻

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Willow woke to the sound of an alarm. Luz had set one loud enough in her own room to wake everyone else.

Turning around to the spot Hunter slept next to her last night, it was empty. Her heart dropped a little. Willow enjoyed waking up along with Hunter.

She sighed, heading towards the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she cringed. Her hair was in shambles.

Before heading to the main room, Willow dampened her hair and combed through it. Letting it stay out of braids.

Walking into the Living room/ kitchen/ main entrance, Willow spotted Amity half asleep on the couch. Something turned on the Tv.

"Where's Luz and Hunter?" Willow supposed Gus and Vee were still asleep.

"Luz Is taking a shower. And Hunter was ranting to me about something." Amity shrugged closing her eyes again.

"Did he say what?" Willow sat on one of the red chairs.

"Blah blah blah something about shopping. Blah blah blah Warrior Cats, Blah blah blah fighting." Amity dramatically rolled on her back. Waving her hands in the air.

"Thanks Ami." Willow smiled at Amity. She hadn't used that nick name in around 10 years.

Hearing that Amity couldn't help but smiled. 

Willow walked over to Vee and Gus's room. Opening the door, she could barely contain a laugh.

Luz was hovering over Gus on the floor. Gus was dramatically laying on his back. Vee was sorting through what looked like a pile of leaves. And Hunter was perched on the edge of the bed. Looking evilly at the two.

"How could you do this to me Ottersnake!" Gus wailed. Wiggling back and forth in an attempt to escape Luz.

"I will not betray my leader; I live to serve Wolfstar!" Luz hissed, casting a determined glance at Hunter. Noone seemed to notice Willow standing in the doorway.

"You made me do this wolf!" Gus bellowed.

"I said call me wolfstar!" Hunter hissed.

"I didn't kill you mate purplelily! Wolfstar did!" Gus whined.

"Ottersnake! HE LIES!" Hunter jumped down of the bed. Getting on all fours like Gus and Luz.

"Is this true!" Luz (Ottersnake) Turned to look at Hunter (Wolfstar) horrified.

Hunter turned away ashamed.

"IT'S TRUE! BLUEMIST ATTACK!" Luz commanded at Gus. On the ground Hunter was a whole foot taller than them.

(Just so no one is confused. Their roleplaying a book called Warrior cats. Hunter is Wolfstar, Luz is Ottersnake, Gus is Bluemist, Amity is purplelily, and Vee is Slitheringvenom.)

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