🟡From Golden to Red🔴

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Vomit, Self deprecation.

Hunter set the phone down with a sigh. Amity words soothed his worries just a bit.

"Can I laugh now?" Amity was holding back tears of laughter.

"Why... Sure?" Hunter knew he was about to regret this. 

"BAHAHAHHAHAH! WILLOW REALLY WENT CRAZY!" Amity broke out laughing. Kicking her legs in the air. 

Hunter scrunched up; the velocity of noise Amity was making made Hunter's headache worse.

"God! I'm sorry Hunter." Amity wheezed gripping onto Hunter's shoulder. Wiping tears from her eyes.

"Let me help you freshen up." Amity chuckled, without letting Hunter answer she went to the bathroom. 

Coming back, she had a spray bottle with water. Some baby wipes, and a hairbrush. 

"Let's hope she was wearing her cheap green lipstick. Because the stuff I got her for her birthday... It doesn't come off." Amity took a place behind Hunter.

"When's your birthday anyways?" Amity draped a towel over Hunter's shoulders. 

"Remind me... What's a birthday?" Hunter felt a little ashamed asking. 

"WHAT!" Amity shouted swiveling herself around over Hunter's side to look at his face. 

"Well like I know what birthdays are. But like, I've never really known what they are." Hunter held his head once again. Scrunching up his face in pain.  

"How in the world did you win over Willow Parks? Okay so like it's a celebration of the day you were born... OHHH! You don't have one because you weren't really born. Now I get yah!" Amity spritzed down Hunter's hair.

"So in order all our birthdays are. Gus February 7th. Vee's is March 16th. Mine is April 6th. Willow's is September 27th. Luz's is October 20th. and Camila's is December 10th." Amity listed all the birthday's is order, Hunter very much appreciated that.

"And what's today?" Hunter was seemingly sorting through everything Amity had just said.

"Dude... You don't know that date. Whatever, it's September 21."  Amity combed through Hunter's hair. 

"Willow's Birthday is in... Six! Six days." Hunter smiled to himself. What to get her.

"So... Are you going to come up with your own birthday?" Amity suggested.

"I, I can do that!" Hunter was pumped. He could finally be like all the other coven scouts. Every year someone would just tell him he aged. They never even told him around the same time of year. 

"What your favorite human month?" 

"Umm... October!" That was the first month Hunter had every learned. The problem with this was. Even though Hunter had been through so much, he still loved Belos. Or though he did. And that was the only month Belos's talked about. 

"And okay pick a day." Amity combed through Hunter's hair, sitting on her knees to reach the top of his head. 

"Umm, 19?" Hunter was almost sure that there were 31 days in October, or was it 30? 

"Okay, your 17th birthday is now on October 19." Amity smiled drying off Hunter's hair.

"Now for the hard part, the lipstick." Amity turned Hunter around, assessing his face. 

Amity grabbed a baby wipe from next to her and attempted to wipe of a lipstick stain.

"NOO!" Amity whispered screamed, careful not to hurt Hunter.

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