⌚The time is passing⌚

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"HUNTER WAIT!" Amity dashed after Hunter.

"Amity?" Willow voice made Amity stop and turn back.

"What's going on?" Willow looked mildly concerned.

"I snaped at Hunter. Can you try talking to him? Amity frowned at Willow. She knew that Willow and Hunter are close, she was almost sure they were dating.

"Yeah, I know where he's going." Willow nodded at Amity before she ran after Hunter.

Willow was going to the gender-neutral bathroom behind the gyms. Barley anyone knew about them, so they always stayed clean.

Walking in she looked around. "Hunter?"

Nobody answered.

"Sorry Hunter's not here." Brooklynn walked out of a bathroom stall, holding a pair of keys.

"What do you want?" Willow hissed.

"So, you and Hunter are dating." Brooklynn frowned slowly walking towards Willow, backing her towards a stall.

"Why should that concern you, and why would you think that?" Willow slowly walked backwards as Brooklynn walked forwards.

"Well, I was on snapchat, and that Luz girl your friend posted this." Brooklynn grabbed her phone and shoved a picture in willow's face.

Seeing the picture made Willow's heart drop. It was her and Hunter sleeping together on the couch. LUZ WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT!!!

"I LOVE HUNTER!! I WANT TO DATE HIM!" Brooklynn pushed Willow into a stall.

"And I'll make him like me. NO! MATTER! WHAT!" Brooklynn slammed the door shut.

Getting up Willow tried to open the door. THAT'S WHY SHE HAD KEYS! SHE LOCKED THE DOOR! This would be a good time to have stalls that had giant gaps in them.

Willow sighed flopping back to the ground. Why did she have to go to the bathroom no one every goes in?

Willow heard bell after bell after bell go off as she sat on the floor. After around the third one Willow was guessing it was Lunch.

God why did I have to leave my lunch in my locker.

Three more bells rang, and Willow started to get worried. There's only one more class period till the end of the day.

"I kissed a girl, and I liked it." Amity's voice rang into the bathroom.

"The taste of her cherry Chapstick." Her voice started to drift back off, as if she was just walking past.

"AMITY!!" Willow stood back up banging on the stall door.

"I kissed a girl just to try it." Amity voice slowly faded away till Willow couldn't hear it anymore.

"Willow." Brooklynn's triumphant voice came hurling into the bathroom.

"Willow dear, I've figured out that your friends know your probably in here."

"So, when they somehow get you out. You better not tell a single one of them it was me." Brooklynn hissed her voice filled with mirth.

"Why should I not?" Willow challenged her voice toned with anguish.

"Cause I'll make sure bad things happen to your friends. Not everyone takes kindly to."


Willow heart dropped.

"So, I'll let you choose. Stay with Hunter or save your skin." Brooklynn laughed before stalking off.

Willow knew she couldn't betray her friends like that. But it still stung that she couldn't be with Hunter.

But it's fine, just push your feelings aside like normal. Her friends need to stay as secret humans. I'll stay reliable, for them.

Around an hour passed before one last bell went off. This time Willow was panicking.

She could hear the sounds of students walking towards buses and cars. Not to mention how hungry she was. Willow decided not to have breakfast after burning her hand, and of course she didn't eat lunch.

A few minutes passed and Willow could no longer hear the sounds of kids walking around. The sun had started to go down and was casting a honeydew lighting to the bathroom.

"Fuck! FUCK!" Tears were slowly creeping out of her eyes. Why did Amity have to get mad at Hunter, if she didn't. I WOULDN'T BE HERE! TRAPPED IN A BATHROOM STALL! 

Willow stayed crying from thirty more minutes before she heard something.

"Willow?" It was Gus!

"Where are you?" And Luz!

"HELLO!" Willow called out, feeling foolish at her current state of crying.

"Willow?" Luz and Gus's footsteps ran towards Willow.

"Are you guys really there!" Willow wiped away her tears standing back up with excitement.

"Yeah! But why are you in a bathroom stall?" Gus's confused voice was hard to hear. But really, she couldn't tell the truth. What lie could she tell.

"Can you get me out?" Willow frowned once more turning the lock furiously. 

"Well, there are a pair of keys on the sink." Luz's called.

"Try them then." Willow hissed impatiently.

Willow heard rattling sounds before the door opened painfully slow.

"Thanks." Willow smiled walking out of the bathroom content.

"Let's go find the others." Luz smiled back as the three walked out of the bathroom and towards the main entrance.

Turns out for around an hour the gang stayed after school looking for Willow. Camila had come with a call from Luz to pick them all up.

"So.." Vee broke the awkward silence on the car trip to the house.

"What happened Willow?" Vee's question broke Willow.

Willow was sitting next to Gus, who was in-between Willow and Hunter. Amity and Luz were in the back. And Vee was in the passenger's seat. 

Hunter had tried to sit next to Willow, but she quickly moved away. In confusion Hunter sat next to Gus.

"Stuff." Willow glued her eyes shut. Nobody needs to know where witches, keep it all a secret.

"What stuff?" Vee turned her head around to face Willow.

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it." Luz frowned at Vee who turned back around.

"If you don't want to talk about it Willow, just tell us." Amity smiled at Willow.

"I don't." Willow stuttered as she began to quietly cry. The ride back to the Noceda house was quiet beside the gently sobs of Willow.

This one is like really short, but at the end I lost motivation lol. Anyways I'm writing Brooklynn as if she's a villain. And the way she found out they were witches is DRAMA!

Next chapter will mostly be about Hunter and Amity dynamic. With some Lumity and just a pinch of Huntlow thrown in. Also be ready from Cassiopeia to make a re appearance. BYE BITCHS LOVE YA'LL <333

~1033~ Words

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