🌷the start of an era🌷

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Hunter staired in shock at Willow. SHE! HAD! JUST! KISSED! HIM!

"I'm so sorry!" Willow pulled back from Hunter's lips, her eyes just as shocked.

"Willow?" Hunter was still staring into Willow's eyes. WHAT SHOULD HE DO!!

"Willow. Can you kiss me again?"

Willow face flushed even more red the before. Beating Amity on the tomato scale.

"WHAT!" Willow blurted out, she was tempted too tho. Seeing Hunter's face become apparent with Reget at his words she knew she had to make a choice.

Willow grabbed Hunter's waist pulling it towards her. Passionately she kissed Hunter on the lips, melting into the kiss.

Pulling away in awe Willow giggled at Hunter's red face and ears.


"What?" Hunter blushed realizing that Willow was still holding into his waist.

"You're a horrible kisser." Willow smiled as Hunter's blush got even bigger, he tilted his ears down in embarrassment.

"Willow! Here's your Lentil Soup." Luz trotted into the bedroom.

Hunter fell onto his back against the bed as if that would help him hide from Luz. His face was still glowing red with daze and embarrassment.

"What where you getting up to." Luz gave Hunter a smirk before handing Willow her soup.

"Damm bro! You're getting all the bitches." Luz laughed as Hunter's face somehow got more flustered.

"GO AWAY LUZZZZ!" Hunter basically screeched at Luz.

"I'm going. I'm going. But when your done doing whatever, where watching a movie." Luz gave one last smile to Hunter before promptly waltzing out.

"I'm going to shower." Hunter stuttered clearly just trying to leave the awkwardness.

"Wait! Would you help me over to the living room?" Willow frowned remembering the pain that still lurched in her arms and legs.

"If that wouldn't be too much to ask."

"No problem caption." Hunter trotted back over, grabbing onto Willow's arm and wrapping it around his shoulder.

Together they walked to the couch, before Hunter dashed off to the shower.

"What movie we watching?" Gus came hopping over to the couch, casting a sympathetic glance at Willow's bruises and scratches.

"I was thinking Antphiba? It was a show that they made into a movie." Luz was holding onto Amity's hand as they sat together on the couch.

"Where's Hunter?" Vee switched the lights off and sat in a nearby chair.

"He's just in the shower." Willow answered sliding a large green blanket over her body.

A quarter through the movie Hunter came walking in. Willow motioned for him to sit next to her, and he obliged.

Willow pushed some of the blanket she had on, onto Hunter. As he slid under the blanket Willow was startled to feel how cold he was.

"Hunter! Why are you so cold?" Willow whispered rubbing his shoulders in an attempt to warm him up.

"I always take cold showers." Hunter shrugged, enjoying the affection from Willow. Her caring about something as small as if he was cold, warmed him up inside.

"Why in the world would you want to do that!" Willow was whisper screaming, confusing Gus.

"I do it, so I stay up longer. In the emperor's coven if I dozed off..." Hunter trailed off, clearly feeling uncomfortable with the topic.

~🐦Crushed Flowers🌻~ {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now