🐕Allergic to Bitches🤢

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WARNINGS: Mentions of alcohol/being drunk, vomit, pills.

"Pstttt!" Hunter batted at Luz's face.

"What do you want." Luz grumbled, did he not sleep off his drunkenness? Wait! How long have I been asleep?

"Willow just ... OHH AN ABOMINATION!" Hunter started messing around with Amity's hair.

"Huh?" Amity groggily yawned, looking at Luz's phone.

"We've only been asleep for like 20 minutes." Amity looked at Hunter clearly confused.

"Hehe!" Hunter was flickering at one of Amity's lose hair pieces.

"Stop that!" Amity growled pushing away Hunter's hands.

"Hunter, Willow did what?" Luz grabbed onto Hunter's wrists, stopping him from messing with the irritated Amity.

"What... Oh that cute girl, did you know she's, my girlfriend!" Hunter smiled, showing off his tooth gap.

"Yes. Yes, and your very happy about that. But where is she?" Luz shook her head.

"Umm, she ran off." Hunter flapped his arms. Making Luz hit herself.

"Okay Hunter, where going to look for Willow." Amity kissed Luz oh her forehead, the place she had hit herself.

"Can I come?!" Hunter exclaimed.

"Why not, just be quiet. AND DON'T THINK ABOUT TOUCHING ME!" Amity rolled her eyes drawing up a circle, clamping abomination goo around Hunter's hand.

"So, you don't break anything." Amity crawled out of the fort.

"Come on." Luz motioned to Hunter and they both followed after Amity.

"Willow?" Luz and Amity were calling out walking around the rooms.






"I SWEAR TO TITAN IF YOU SAY FUCKING BOOP ONE MORE TIME I'LL BOOP YOU OUT OF EXSISTANCE!" Amity screeched tossing her legs out to trip Hunter.

"Amity!" Luz kneeled down to Hunter. He had landed on his knee. 

"Are you okay?" Luz pushed Hunter up.

Hunter shook his head. His grey sweatpants had ripped on the knee. And the skin on his knee was bleeding pretty heavily. 

"Sorry. He kind of deserved it though." Amity snorted, avoiding Luz's gaze.

"I think there are plasters in the..." Luz went quiet. 

"What?" Amity looked back at Hunter and Luz. Hunter had a few tears in his eyes, and he was shaking his hands back and forth... for some reason? 

"Do you hear that?" Luz had turned her head to the bathroom.

A faint rustling sound following gaging. 

"FUCK!" Luz dashed for the bathroom.

🌻Willow's Pov🌼

Willow was kneeled over the toilet, vomiting her guts out. Her eyes were swollen, her skin had broken out in bumps and hives, and worst of all her throat felt like it was slowly closing preventing her from breathing.  

"FUCK!" Willow heard the sound of Luz's voice.

"Willow? OH MY GOD!" Luz staired in horror as Willow vomited again. 

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