🩸You otter know better🦦

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Warnings: Mentions of A little blood. 

"Get ready kids, it's almost time to go to the zoo!" Camila called from the other room.

Hunter went to go see how Vee and Gus were doing. While Willow, Amity, and Luz stayed in the living room. Watching the news.

"There has been reporting's and sightings of weird rabid animals dripping green goo and attacking people. so far there has been 2 casualties and 12 hospitalizations, when these animals attack the go for already open wounds. Please make sure windows are closed, and don't pet wild animals. That's all on Box News at 9." The reporter lady stated this as if it were nothing.

But Amity, Willow, and Luz looked at each other horrified.

"It can't be!" Luz pulled her phone out from her pocket, tapping furiously.

"It's probably just some people causing a stir for attention." Willow tried to reason. But she still sounded frightened.

"What if it's Belos." Amity whispered.

Luz let out a horrified gasp. 

Holding out her phone she showed a picture of a deer. It was standing on its hind legs. The same green goo Belos was, dripping from its mouth and eyes. 

"SHIT!" Willow whisper screamed. 

"Should we tell Hunter, Gus, and Vee." Amity looked away from the image, it was slightly horrifying. 

"But Hunter is finally getting over Belos. Gus and Vee don't need to stress about it. Let's just keep it low for now, at least until we figure out what's really going on." Luz pulled her phone back, peering at the image again.

"Are you sure that's really a good idea?" Willow knew that something bad would happen if they kept this a secret.

"It's not a good idea... It's a great idea!" Luz beamed.

No one ever listens to Willow.

Getting to the zoo Gus and Hunter had to be restrained from running off exited. Vee and Luz where in charge of Gus. And Willow was in charge of Hunter.

"HUNTER! HUNTER! HUNTER! LOOK LOOK LOOK!" Gus ran up to Hunter, pointing in the direction of a trio of otters. 

"OH MY GOSH! ASIA SMALL CLAWED OTTERS!" Hunter squealed, scrunching up his face in a smile. 

Willow was holding onto Hunter's hand, and she was holding on tightly. She knew he would probably run to fast and trip, or crash into something. It wouldn't be too far-fetched to think he would walk into an enclosure of some sort.

"Can I look Willow?" Hunter turned around to face her, he was so cute. Willow absolutely adored it when Hunter would gush over something. 

"I just got to ask Luz soothing, when your done looking come back. And bring Gus." Willow smiled, Gus would live in a zoo if he could. 

"Okay, I'll make sure Gus doesn't get lost." Hunter giggled running off to the Otter encloser. Hunter laughed like a little kid when he was excited, Willow absolutely adored it. She adored Hunter and every part of him.

"Hey Wills!" Luz smiled as Willow approached. Her, Amity, Camila, and Vee were gathering all the pennies they could find. They all collected pressed pennies. 
(If you don't know what a pressed Pennie is look it up rn!)

"Never call me that again." Willow smiled back. 

(While writing this, I wrote penis instead of pennies like 10 times😞)

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