🥀Drifting away⏱

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After that day, Willow had started to drift apart from everyone, even Hunter. She had also joined the school's basketball team. Luz, Amity, Gus, Vee, Hunter, And Willow had been working on repairing the old house. So Willow spent a good amount of her time cleaning there. 

 Camila had started working from 9:00am to 9:00pm (21:00pm) to provide for everyone. And so, Willow had basically become the 'new mom.' If you need help with your homework, Go to Willow, if you wanted a specific lunch go to Willow. She also had started doing the laundry and cleaning. Not talking about how she had started making breakfast, Lunch, and dinner for everyone. 

Willow's basketball practice was from 3:00 till 4:30. Every Monday, and Thursday. 

Once Hunter found out Flapjack died, he tried to keep himself always busy. Reading a book, or drawing. But he always looked like he was about to burst out crying.

It had been around 2 weeks. And it was Hunter's first day back at school since the vacation. 



Willow let out a tired groan. It was 4:00 am. She had gone to sleep at 1:00 am last night. she had to work on her own homework. And do the dishes. And the laundry. And vacuuming. And feeding the palismen. And making dinner. And consoling Gus. And letting Luz vent to her. And helping Vee with her homework. And helping Amity re dye her hair. And making sure Hunter ate. 

Now that she thought about it, she hadn't eaten anything. 

"Get up Willow." The short haired girl grumbled. She had fallen asleep on the dining room table, Checking over Gus's homework. 

Shaking off sleep, Willow got up quietly. Heading to the kitchen to pack everyone's lunches. Everyone had collectively decided school lunch was awful. 

Checking the fridge for a sticky note of any kind she found two. One from Amity, and one from 

Amity wanted ramen for lunch. And Vee wanted rice. 

Willow let out another groan of complaint. Now she had to get the rice cooker out.

Willow popped the ramen in the microwave.  And decided she was just going to make 1 minute rice. 

Setting out all five lunch boxes. She cut of fruits of different sorts. Putting crackers in one. And raspberries in another. Willow would always zone packing her friend's lunches. 

Once she was finished, she put the bento boxes all into their specific person's lunch pail. And lined them on the counter.

Laundry time.

Willow grabbed two empty laundry bins. Hedding to the washing machine. She knelt down, popping open the door. Willow put all the wet clothes into one of the bins. 

Opening the dryer, she put the dry towels into the other bin. Just for a few seconds Willow relished in their warmth. 

Folding the towels nicely, she pushed the bin aside. Pouring the wet clothes into the now empty dryer. 

Closing the lid, she turned the nob the extra dry. And started the dryer. 

Willow brought a few of the towels to the upstairs bathroom. And a few to the downstairs. 

Quietly, Willow creeped into Luz's room. Careful not to wake Luz, Amity, or Vee. She walked over next to the bunkbed. And pulled all the dirty clothes out of a hamper. 

Silently she crept back out of the room. Closing the door. And finishing the laundry.

Willow checked the time with a jolt of Suprise. It was already 4:47am. That gave her 13 minutes to mop. 

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