💛Hungover you💚

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WANRNINGS: Mentions of Vomit

(Help I forgot they had plainsmens 😭 I'm just wrighting them in like nothing happened and I didn't write them for 14 chapter.)

Hunter woke up to the most intense pain he had ever felt. Everything hurt. Willow wasn't there anymore, but a sticky note was on his forehead. 

It read "I put a trash can next to the bed, we don't want to clean vomit. Feel better -Luv Vee." Hunter's head was spinning. Flapjack was snoozing on the spot Willow was earlier. 

In that moment nausea hit him like a truck. Hunter leaned over the bed, snatching the trash can, and bringing it up to his face. 

With a pain full lurch Hunter vomited. He tossed the trash can back to the floor.

He curled himself up overtop the blankets. Tears filling his eyes. 

"Tweet. Tweet!" Flapjack flew onto Hunter's head. Clearly confused. 

"Hunter... you good?" Gus had peaked his head through the door, staring confused at the distraught boy.

It hurt his throat anytime Hunter swallowed or talked. So, he just gave a little pained squeak. Flapjack flew onto Gus's shoulder, tweeting in distress at Gus. 

"Should I get Luz?" Gus's voice rang a little too loud, worsening Hunter headache.

"I will." And with that Gus ran off, the little red bird still on his shoulder. Hunter pulled some blankets over himself, wiping tears from his eyes.

"How you doing?" Luz sat on the edge of the bed; she kept her voice low to not hurt Hunter.

"..." Hunter didn't reply.

"Want me to bring to you some breakfast?" 

Hunter shook his head ever so slightly. 

"I'll just bring you some water than." Luz frowned down at Hunter before walking off. 

"I brought you some water." Willow's calming voice made Hunter just a little bit less jittery. 

Willow set the glass down on the bedside table. She had clearly just done her hair and makeup.

"A-are you going somewhere?" Hunter spat the words out in pain.

"Yeah, were all going out to dinner. Don't worry Amity's staying here."  Willow sat on the edge of the bed, gazing down at Hunter. 

"Why is she staying here?" Hunter sat up a little, holding back a yelp of pain as his head started to spin. 

"Vee was going to, but Amity insisted." Willow shrugged.

Hunter frowned a little. The words Amity said still stung like fire in his mind. What if I hadn't changed. What if she was right... what if I'm just the stupid Golden Garud. He really didn't want to stay with Amity.

"Do I have to stay with Amity?" 

"Your so clingy Hunter." Willow smirked.

"But don't worry, I won't forget about you." Willow pulled Hunter in her arms. Attacking him with kisses to the face. 

"Ahh! Pft! T-too many Ekk! Kisses!" Hunter flailed his hands around, kicking his legs. 

"But maybe I like when you're clingy." Willow let go of Hunter, letting out a giggle. She had made green lipstick marks all over Hunter's face.

"You smeared your lipstick." Hunter wiped lipstick off Willow's chin. Titian was she pretty. With or without make up, Willow was a sight to behold. 

"I love you, don't forget that." Willow whispered in Hunter's ear, making his face glow red.

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